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Thread: Corbyn attacker get 28 days in prison, Robinson attacked and police do nothing.

  1. #16
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    Default Re: Corbyn attacker get 28 days in prison, Robinson attacked and police do nothing.

    Thanks I too am resigned to not changing anyone's mind on any issue on a forum now I think. I am sure I would have much more in common with some posters than others but would get along fine in person. Even with someone like Smash I think I have more common ground than points of diametric opposition. I am not sure the dichotomy you present is a real one though. Trump for all his detractors is the president of the most powerful country on earth and yet abuses that free speech in the personal rubbish spats he indulges in on social media. I don't think Trump is the antichrist nor Tommy, It does not really keep me awake at night. I see them as part of a continuation of hucksters and con men and wide boys, like many of the politicians and celebs, etc that went before them. Mcinnes is certainly part of that tradition and Peterson is playing the same game. It does not mean they can not make valid points, but I do not put them on a pedestal and close my eyes to the over riding nihilst and destructive message that they preach and it is a rhetoric.

    I have been surrounded by people wearing anti-facist and anti-racist badges and living by those standards since the 1970's. It is not a new thing for me or a huge part of the western population. Now people feel free to boast about their bigotry and not even try to hide the lies they will tell to demonize others it is actually extremely helpful. The kind of blind loyalty to dogma I think you see in the new wave of American far left groups is exactly the same found here in this thread and preached by Tommy. Look how Tommy running for election to the EU is not commented on by those who preached that the EU is a dictatorship. The same with Farage a man lining his pockets in a disgustingly blatant and dishonest way with the expense accounts he railed against.
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  2. #17
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Corbyn attacker get 28 days in prison, Robinson attacked and police do nothing.

    I don't know what's changed maybe it's Antifa, maybe it's the definition of the term Fascist but there's a lot more violence, there's a lot more ACCEPTED and UNPUNISHED violence.

    Antifa has done everything they possibly can to shut down debate and speech in the US and IMO they've crossed a lot of lines. There's no way in hell the world has enough Nazis or white supremacists or fascists to meet their demand.

    Antifa ousted Candace Owens (a black woman who happens to be Conservative) from a restaurant in Philadelphia in a manner reminiscent of the segregationist South. It's fine to be anti-fascist, but the fascists you're anti about had best be actual fucking fascists instead of folks who just believe in the rule of law and capitalism because those are some mighty weak "fascists" to attack.

    American Anarchist/Socialism/Antifascism has a long history and it ain't a great one, it's bloody and violent and hateful and it's been about 100 years since it reared it's ugly head. Back then it was bombings of government buildings...I wonder if we'll see that again. i certainly hope not.

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    Default Re: Corbyn attacker get 28 days in prison, Robinson attacked and police do nothing.

    Who gives a shit. It’s just speech. I know you guys crack down on speech but our constitution protected speech as the know it is the bedrock of freedom.

  4. #19
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Corbyn attacker get 28 days in prison, Robinson attacked and police do nothing.

    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Who gives a shit. It’s just speech. I know you guys crack down on speech but our constitution protected speech as the know it is the bedrock of freedom.
    Well people DO get arrested for jokes on the internet....look at Mark Meechan (Count Dankula). He's more of a lefty than anything else and people branded him a Nazi for teaching his girlfriend's dog to do "heil" people think "Oh shit the Nazi's have a pug, there's no bloody stopping them now!"

    And if that's the case when is John Cleese going to be arrested for his Hitler schtick on Fawlty Towers? Is there a statute of limitations on Nazi jokes?

  5. #20
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    Default Re: Corbyn attacker get 28 days in prison, Robinson attacked and police do nothing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by smashup View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by smashup View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by smashup View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Ha! Fucking hell lads. Get a new hero you are all embarrassing yourselves. People in the North West don't want him, people in Britain don't want him, he speaks for low lives and scum, look at the entourage in his own video. Look at the evidence he provides with your own eyes and then come back with a straight face and tell us all how he is some kind of victim. It goes way beyond a joke when he starts whining about treating everyone equally, and then in the same breath calling people muslim agitators and aggressive, when there he and his supporters are on video chasing people down and punching them . He is telling people who to arrest and pretending that the bird with a tear tattoo is some innocent victim too. It's beyond parody.

    Fact is loads of people across the UK do want him which is why he and anyone who supports him get zero protection from the government or police.
    I know loads of people who agree with his views and none are low life's or scumbags just good working class people who are proud of their country and dont want their kids growing up in an Islamic country with known terrorists walking free.
    Fact is if these were Muslims being assaulted the handcuffs would be out in seconds.
    Robinson has received more death threats reventley (his kids too) and been told by the Police that they'll offer him no protection whatsoever.
    Your personal opinion of him is of no interest to anyone here.
    This thread is about him having no human rights in his own country.

    Fact is?

    The fact is 20 pedos got a total of 220 years and Robinson and his idiotic supporters with plenty of pedos amongst them, almost derailed that trial. If you are part of the group trying to make him out to be a victim then you are part of the problem. Dress it up however you like but when you throw your weight around you just prove how flimsy your own argument is. It's not a personal opinion it's a fact. This is a forum created to share personal opinions so don't pretend that you speak for the forum let alone the country when you pull out the working class bullshit.

    People are pretending that he is some kind of Martin Luther King figure or Jesus for fucks sake, can you not see how transparent and agenda driven the tool is? No human rights? You lose all credibility when you make those kind of daft assertions. He is asking for special treatment. for pensioners money, for the right to wear a rolex , for the right to do another line like a fucking 20yr old instead of growing up. He isn't your messiah he is just a naughty boy.

    Correct he has no human rights, has received multiple death threats and been assualted numerous times as have people who support him, alot of these incidents are on video and nobody has ever been arrested.
    Your views on him are irrelevant and the facts are obvious to see.
    He's not asking anyone for special treatment either so why do you spout lie after lie about him.
    We get that you dislike him.
    You are talking about a guy who picks victims on twitter and then sends his thugs after them. A guy who is a bully to the core. A guy who will travel the country to knock on someones door because he can't handle being called out on his bullshit. I am not the one lying. For months we had a thread on here pretending that a case in every mainstream paper was being covered up. A complete fabrication using the photo form the front page of a newspaper to claim that this case was a hidden secret. Think about that for one minute. So leave off with the fake news and lies bullshit, it doesn't wash. You want to claim that I am lying, fine prove it. Why waste time even taking about a guy that is taking the piss? He doesn't give a shit about anyone but himself.

    I don't have to prove anything because you've already done that.
    You say he wants special treatment when all he asked the Police was to arrest the man who assualted him and the two female supporters of his.
    Simply not true which makes it a lie.
    We both know that neither you or I have the right to demand the Police arrest anyone. Why does somebody with loads of previous about to go back to court get that right? That is the kind of special treatment he is asking for and you know it. You are still trying to pretend that he is some kind of innocent victim when he actively goes out to confront people aggressively with a crew around him. It's another fake news thread where a bloke who is not at all 'proud of his country' and does not even live here, is pretending like you that the majority of people in this country are are supportive of a bloke who represents what our grandparents fought a world war to prevent taking over.
    It is not a fake news thread. Of course I am not proud of my country sometimes knowing that it does not respect democracy, allows terrorists to walk free, and allows people to be attacked randomly. You are weak in resorting to personal attacks all the time too. Robinson and others were attacked and you turn a blind eye to it because you have an agenda. You have also lied repeatedly in this thread and done little more than rant. You refuse to see any other side meaning you are a blowhard ideologue.

    Put your money where your mouth is because Milo and Sargon are coming to your town of Plymouth very soon. Go and say those things in front of a camera and see how ordinary people respond to your ranting. Go on, you clearly hate them, so you have a chance to engage face to face. But avoid McD's. We know what your temper is like.

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    Default Re: Corbyn attacker get 28 days in prison, Robinson attacked and police do nothing.

    And how on earth is the message of Peterson 'nihilistic'? The way I view his ideas is quite the opposite really. He is encouraging people to pull themselves together and be more responsible for their own life choices and paths. Surely that is the very opposite of nihilism. Nihilism is by its very nature self defeating and about rejecting moral values. Can you seriously say that is what Peterson advocates? That is a lie and I see similar things in a lot of your posts in this,thread. You are distorting, twisting and demonizing and it is not a good look.

    I like to think that when someone gets assaulted then the person carrying out violence gets arrested. It is called justice. I have no idea why you wouldn't just agree that the attackers deserve to be arrested rather than go on these curious and peculiar rants against Robinson and call the thread fake news.

    Poor form.

  7. #22
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    Default Re: Corbyn attacker get 28 days in prison, Robinson attacked and police do nothing.

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Who gives a shit. It’s just speech. I know you guys crack down on speech but our constitution protected speech as the know it is the bedrock of freedom.
    Well people DO get arrested for jokes on the internet....look at Mark Meechan (Count Dankula). He's more of a lefty than anything else and people branded him a Nazi for teaching his girlfriend's dog to do "heil" people think "Oh shit the Nazi's have a pug, there's no bloody stopping them now!"

    And if that's the case when is John Cleese going to be arrested for his Hitler schtick on Fawlty Towers? Is there a statute of limitations on Nazi jokes?
    The thing is anything goes in comedy or at least it did. I was watching Gervais last night mocking the name change of The Spastics Society to Scope. Now obviously Ricky Gervais has nothing personally against anyone with something like Cerebral Palsy. It is just a comedy routine. Sure feelings might get 'hurt', but at the end of the day a JOKE is a JOKE. If you don't want to listen, then don't listen to Ricky Gervais. It's a big world with lots of speech out there. Hate speech law is something that needs to be abolished. As long as someone is not threatening violence or outright telling porkies, then you should be free to say what you want in the crucible of ideas.

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    Default Re: Corbyn attacker get 28 days in prison, Robinson attacked and police do nothing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Ha! Fucking hell lads. Get a new hero you are all embarrassing yourselves. People in the North West don't want him, people in Britain don't want him, he speaks for low lives and scum, look at the entourage in his own video. Look at the evidence he provides with your own eyes and then come back with a straight face and tell us all how he is some kind of victim. It goes way beyond a joke when he starts whining about treating everyone equally, and then in the same breath calling people muslim agitators and aggressive, when there he and his supporters are on video chasing people down and punching them . He is telling people who to arrest and pretending that the bird with a tear tattoo is some innocent victim too. It's beyond parody.
    A case in point. Who made you speak for the entire North West of England? For the UK at large who consistently rejects your politics? Low lifes and scum? You sound like Clinton when you say something like that. Is it really scummy to not want an EU superstate, to want controlled migration, and to not have people who fight for Isis walking about freely?

    Your post above is terrible and what makes people think poorly of you. My initial two posts showed double standards and an actual physical assault and all you have is the above.

    Shame on you, man. Then later the old personal insults when all else fails. Not right and you know it.

  9. #24
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Corbyn attacker get 28 days in prison, Robinson attacked and police do nothing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    The thing is anything goes in comedy or at least it did. I was watching Gervais last night mocking the name change of The Spastics Society to Scope. Now obviously Ricky Gervais has nothing personally against anyone with something like Cerebral Palsy. It is just a comedy routine. Sure feelings might get 'hurt', but at the end of the day a JOKE is a JOKE. If you don't want to listen, then don't listen to Ricky Gervais. It's a big world with lots of speech out there. Hate speech law is something that needs to be abolished. As long as someone is not threatening violence or outright telling porkies, then you should be free to say what you want in the crucible of ideas.
    Some of Gervais' funniest stuff is when he pokes fun of the Bible. I consider myself Christian but I'll still have a laugh at that. The bit that irks me is not everyone joins in which makes me wonder why of course. Are you that serious that you never laugh? Are you too insecure in your faith? Is your faith too good for some levity? Do you think your religion is above all and can't be mocked?

    Hate speech is bullshit. Let people say bad things at least you know who is thinking that shit. You can make a mental note to avoid them. And who decides what "hate speech" actually is? The SPLC and ADL and CAIR and NAACP, and La Raza and GLAAD cover a few bases, but not all and they aren't objective either.

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    Default Re: Corbyn attacker get 28 days in prison, Robinson attacked and police do nothing.

    I always highlight double standards and you cannot hide from the fact that a man had money taken from his bank by the state for a joke and another woman punched a man and another chap physically assaulted a man and seemingly not a problem. I cannot reconcile that and I think most people looking at that would feel the same way.

    I think Robinson is hated by the establishment and media and the reason he is shut down is because people do like him. Otherwise, why not let him dig a bigger hole? He did them over like with Panodrama, he draws crowds, was huge on Facebook. The only way they can stop him is to silence him but along the way the media and system degrades itself further. People are not that dumb.

  11. #26
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Corbyn attacker get 28 days in prison, Robinson attacked and police do nothing.

    People don't like Tommy Robinson and don't want to hear from him because he's working class. He's just your typical run-of-the-mill 9 to 5er down at the pub going to see the football matches having a pint. But the problem is he dares to talk politics and that's not for Working Class People that's for the cultured Elite.

    It's a very similar to why people hate Trump he's nouveau riche he's tacky he's Rodney Dangerfield in Caddyshack. In other words he doesn't belong in their world and at the end of the day that's the major problem.

    I just finished reading Bret Easton Ellis new book White and the disdain that these Coastal Elites have for flyover country rural America is oozing out of them and I can only think that's worse in Britain.

    Want a laugh? Carl Benjamin (Sargon) goes out, talks to random voters, debates random voters ESPECIALLY THOSE WHO DISAGREE WITH HIM, and what does Labour immediately do? They follow his route, they don't debate or even give original thoughts but they're the "ruling class" so they speak in an erudite manner and have that affected haughty accent and spout platitudes. They look and sound AWFUL! Carl Benjamin could be a political somebody he's got some smarts to him. He'd be a very interesting MEP and I'd certainly pay attention should he be elected

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    Default Re: Corbyn attacker get 28 days in prison, Robinson attacked and police do nothing.

    You just have to listen to the middle class champagne socialists in the media, when they imitate racists/crims/morons they do cockney/working-class accents. The hypocrisy is blatantly obvious. Their jokes are "edgy" not racist. Their violence is justified/funny not thuggery. They advocate "punch a nazi" whilst disgusted by football hooligans.
    Last edited by Fenster; 05-09-2019 at 02:05 AM.

  13. #28
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    Default Re: Corbyn attacker get 28 days in prison, Robinson attacked and police do nothing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Thanks I too am resigned to not changing anyone's mind on any issue on a forum now I think. I am sure I would have much more in common with some posters than others but would get along fine in person. Even with someone like Smash I think I have more common ground than points of diametric opposition. I am not sure the dichotomy you present is a real one though. Trump for all his detractors is the president of the most powerful country on earth and yet abuses that free speech in the personal rubbish spats he indulges in on social media. I don't think Trump is the antichrist nor Tommy, It does not really keep me awake at night. I see them as part of a continuation of hucksters and con men and wide boys, like many of the politicians and celebs, etc that went before them. Mcinnes is certainly part of that tradition and Peterson is playing the same game. It does not mean they can not make valid points, but I do not put them on a pedestal and close my eyes to the over riding nihilst and destructive message that they preach and it is a rhetoric.

    I have been surrounded by people wearing anti-facist and anti-racist badges and living by those standards since the 1970's. It is not a new thing for me or a huge part of the western population. Now people feel free to boast about their bigotry and not even try to hide the lies they will tell to demonize others it is actually extremely helpful. The kind of blind loyalty to dogma I think you see in the new wave of American far left groups is exactly the same found here in this thread and preached by Tommy. Look how Tommy running for election to the EU is not commented on by those who preached that the EU is a dictatorship. The same with Farage a man lining his pockets in a disgustingly blatant and dishonest way with the expense accounts he railed against.

    "Someone like Smash" ?

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    Default Re: Corbyn attacker get 28 days in prison, Robinson attacked and police do nothing.

    Just watched miles vid - even you Robinson fans must admit he looks like a right cunt having a punch up in a shopping centre. I never realised the milk shake smasher was chasing him all over the shop - thought he was an innocent bystander - but regardless.

    Remember when it was shocking and celebrated that John Prescott jabbed that farmer who chinned him with an egg? These days nobody thinks anything of a punch up around a load of grannies. Madness.
    Last edited by Fenster; 05-09-2019 at 02:26 AM.

  15. #30
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    Default Re: Corbyn attacker get 28 days in prison, Robinson attacked and police do nothing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Fenster View Post
    Just watched miles vid - even you Robinson fans must admit he looks like a right cunt having a punch up in a shopping centre. I never realised the milk shake smasher was chasing him all over the shop - thought he was an innocent bystander - but regardless.

    Remember when it was shocking and celebrated that John Prescott jabbed that farmer who chinned him with an egg? These days nobody thinks anything of a punch up around a load of grannies. Madness.
    Which part of the video is that Fenster?

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