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Thread: The Brexit Thread

  1. #886
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    Default Re: The Brexit Thread

    Beanz is like the proverbial infantile bratty 10-year old who uses all the childish methods at his disposal to stir up shit, while running to hide behind the backs of his bodyguards.

    He and he alone fails to see how:

    1. These holy wars never happen while he isn't here.

    2. It's always him against everyone else. Logic would dictate that Beanz is the common denominator, but to his 10-year old mind it's everyone else's fault.

    3. He sucks up to, and seeks the defense and approval of those in charge (ie: the mods). It's so blatant I've even considered getting him some monogrammed kneepads for Christmas.

    4. Like the child he is..... he insists he's never angry..... yet the "fuck you's" and the rest of the insults flow from his keyboard in much greater quantity than any of the rest of us. And again like a petulant child, he'll add smilies to his deranged posts in an infantile effort to show he's not angry.

    5. This one is a beauty. He'll side with someone he's always angry at, depending on the battle and the circumstances. Sometimes I'm the good guy..... sometimes it's Lyle..... etc. But he can turn on a dime.

    Fucking Beanz is a basket case. I feel sorry for him.

  2. #887
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    Default Re: The Brexit Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Yes you are a bitter old piss stained ex pat Gandalf. You are all so self obsessed you think you have the power to make people angry You think Denilson is angry , El Kabong thinks Kirkland is angry , Tittyfan thinks everyone is angry, Walrus the shit stirring back stabber thinks anyone who points out what a lame cunt he is is angry. You are a sad bunch of moaning fishwives who never have a break for real life. It is mental. I have been planning and paying for a wedding and am recovering from an injury and am about to go on holiday. I am about as far from angry as it is possible to be, but still you are all convinced anyone not blowing smoke up your arse or being willing to put up with your backstabbing , two faced cuntishness and general racism and bigotry, must be angry. Why? at you lot? Fucking hell you need to get out more.

    None of you are willing to debate anything. You think everyone should be like you, and if they offer a different opinion, outlook or experience, you gang up on them and conspire to have them banned. You are all responsible for the banning of Brock even though Walrus was the enabler. You are censor mad. Look at El Kabong insisting i should go and live in anther country the fucking bigot because he thinks he has some kind of authority to be the thought Police the commie bastard. It is laughable. He would fuck over the entire USA if it meant he thought he won the internet and yet he can't even respect freedom of speech. Even in another country he thinks that someone living there posting a piece of art on an internet forum should have them deported. That is the kind of deranged flesh eating lunacy you are all endorsing every time you refuse to call each other out on your bullshit. You are a bunch of foppish fantasists living in a dream world and you ALL refuse to speak to the forum or anyone but each other.

    And yet now even though you are all in the same cell yelling at the walls you can't see it.

    Wally thinks he hasn't done a thing
    You sure do sound emotional with the insults and ranting. Only you sound particularly angry. Denilson just sounds stupid, not angry.

    I am not responsible for the ban of Brock. That was a Mod decision and I was always against it and I did not know his new account was set up by Walrus either. Again, a Mod decision. None of that drama was to do with me. Unfortunate really as I want everything to be about me. Apparently.

    In fact behind the scenes I have lobbied for his reinstatement, but Saddo appears to have gone AWOL and doesn't even answer Mods anymore.
    Again with the angry bollocks. Grow a pair mate. It is not primary school you are a big boy use the language you whore your living at with some gusto and joy you insipid little fuck Again you are blaming the mods and Saddo and the forum in order to let Wally the cunt off the hook. What kind of friendship is built on that kind of willful blindness? And Denilson is not stupid, he is just not like you. Embrace it and stop running away from it.
    Blaming the Mods now? You sure have a willful way of contorting.

    When somebody thinks Adrien Broner is smarter than anyone or that people can be genocided via mass copulation then you are dealing with stupid, Beanz. And you are saying 'embrace it'. You are very tapped in the head if you do not see your dissonance.

    @Andre Was I blaming you in our rather friendly conversation about Brock? Hardly the behavior of someone wanting him banned, but that is Beanz for you.

  3. #888
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    Default Re: The Brexit Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    I am not responsible for the ban of Brock.

    Miles. Excuse me but.... why the FUCK are you defending yourself to Beanz over the banning of Brock??

    Shit...... this guy's more manipulative than I thought.

    WHO'S been at constant war with Brock since Day One for years and years and years?

    Sure... I didn't like a LOT of things Brock said or how he said them. But my disagreements with Brock PALE in comparison with the bloody wars he and Beanz had.

    So why do you allow yourself to be flipped like a giant pancake over the banning of Brock? Tsk, tsk.........
    I suppose I find it fascinating more than anything. 😮

    How does he manage to reach a conclusion where in every instance I am somehow a nefarious influence who has in this case been responsible for a ban?

    I find it curious in the way a shrink looks at the psychopath before him. I don't for a minute think there is any truth to it but am fascinated by the cogs behind the eyes.

  4. #889
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    Default Re: The Brexit Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Yes you are a bitter old piss stained ex pat Gandalf. You are all so self obsessed you think you have the power to make people angry You think Denilson is angry , El Kabong thinks Kirkland is angry , Tittyfan thinks everyone is angry, Walrus the shit stirring back stabber thinks anyone who points out what a lame cunt he is is angry. You are a sad bunch of moaning fishwives who never have a break for real life. It is mental. I have been planning and paying for a wedding and am recovering from an injury and am about to go on holiday. I am about as far from angry as it is possible to be, but still you are all convinced anyone not blowing smoke up your arse or being willing to put up with your backstabbing , two faced cuntishness and general racism and bigotry, must be angry. Why? at you lot? Fucking hell you need to get out more.

    None of you are willing to debate anything. You think everyone should be like you, and if they offer a different opinion, outlook or experience, you gang up on them and conspire to have them banned. You are all responsible for the banning of Brock even though Walrus was the enabler. You are censor mad. Look at El Kabong insisting i should go and live in anther country the fucking bigot because he thinks he has some kind of authority to be the thought Police the commie bastard. It is laughable. He would fuck over the entire USA if it meant he thought he won the internet and yet he can't even respect freedom of speech. Even in another country he thinks that someone living there posting a piece of art on an internet forum should have them deported. That is the kind of deranged flesh eating lunacy you are all endorsing every time you refuse to call each other out on your bullshit. You are a bunch of foppish fantasists living in a dream world and you ALL refuse to speak to the forum or anyone but each other.

    And yet now even though you are all in the same cell yelling at the walls you can't see it.

    Wally thinks he hasn't done a thing

    I know nobody of any authority here will come out and say it..... but things sure were quiet around here while you were out on vacation or whatever it is you were doing.

    Also.... am I reading right? Are you carrying the torch for "poor old Brock" now? The same Brock you insulted to within an inch of his life, and pleaded with the mods to ban? That Brock??

    Damn. No sooner do you come back than you start throwing around your "non-angry" spittle again.

    Grouping people together..... speaking for others..... making broad declarations......

    You get called out for singling out Freedom, but you don't say shit about Denilson..... and yet it's everyone ELSE who is twisted?

    Shit man. WTF is up with you?
    I haven't posted for weeks and yet you still had to have a dig at me in my absence so don't pretend to be all sweetness and light. You ain't good people. Freedom is a cunt and Denilson for all his flaws is not. He makes you all uncomfortable because you don't like to be challenged. Intellectually, morally, philosophically, is all too much for 'You Guys'.

    Freedom is there claiming black people never invented anything , that their women are ugly, that Jesus was white, etc and not one of you have the full grown bollocks to call him out on it. You are supposed to be men. You are a bunch of wimps.

    I had a dig at you AFTER you came in with your broad brushes again and your tired, same ol' same ol'.

    Look. In case you haven't noticed, nobody here likes you. In fact.... you are universally hated here by everyone except for those you shamelessly suck up to.

    You lead an angry life..... and spill your anger on a faceless forum because you know it's the only place you can do so without consequences.

    The fact you defend a basket case like Denilson speaks for itself. In fact, it is a point for "our gang" as you so gleefully like to put it.

    Only difference between our "gang" and yours is........ in ours we don't have to extract people from the asshole of others from the violent ass-kissing that propels you up other people's anuses.

    I may not agree with Freedom, scumwad. But I got no beef with him like I do with you. It is you that brings out the worst in people.
    Like I said you are, have always been and continue to be the angruest muthafukka on here.

    Bless. X
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  5. #890
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: The Brexit Thread

    .....well this has been a real hoot I'd say

  6. #891
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    Default Re: The Brexit Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Yes you are a bitter old piss stained ex pat Gandalf. You are all so self obsessed you think you have the power to make people angry You think Denilson is angry , El Kabong thinks Kirkland is angry , Tittyfan thinks everyone is angry, Walrus the shit stirring back stabber thinks anyone who points out what a lame cunt he is is angry. You are a sad bunch of moaning fishwives who never have a break for real life. It is mental. I have been planning and paying for a wedding and am recovering from an injury and am about to go on holiday. I am about as far from angry as it is possible to be, but still you are all convinced anyone not blowing smoke up your arse or being willing to put up with your backstabbing , two faced cuntishness and general racism and bigotry, must be angry. Why? at you lot? Fucking hell you need to get out more.

    None of you are willing to debate anything. You think everyone should be like you, and if they offer a different opinion, outlook or experience, you gang up on them and conspire to have them banned. You are all responsible for the banning of Brock even though Walrus was the enabler. You are censor mad. Look at El Kabong insisting i should go and live in anther country the fucking bigot because he thinks he has some kind of authority to be the thought Police the commie bastard. It is laughable. He would fuck over the entire USA if it meant he thought he won the internet and yet he can't even respect freedom of speech. Even in another country he thinks that someone living there posting a piece of art on an internet forum should have them deported. That is the kind of deranged flesh eating lunacy you are all endorsing every time you refuse to call each other out on your bullshit. You are a bunch of foppish fantasists living in a dream world and you ALL refuse to speak to the forum or anyone but each other.

    And yet now even though you are all in the same cell yelling at the walls you can't see it.

    Wally thinks he hasn't done a thing

    I know nobody of any authority here will come out and say it..... but things sure were quiet around here while you were out on vacation or whatever it is you were doing.

    Also.... am I reading right? Are you carrying the torch for "poor old Brock" now? The same Brock you insulted to within an inch of his life, and pleaded with the mods to ban? That Brock??

    Damn. No sooner do you come back than you start throwing around your "non-angry" spittle again.

    Grouping people together..... speaking for others..... making broad declarations......

    You get called out for singling out Freedom, but you don't say shit about Denilson..... and yet it's everyone ELSE who is twisted?

    Shit man. WTF is up with you?
    I haven't posted for weeks and yet you still had to have a dig at me in my absence so don't pretend to be all sweetness and light. You ain't good people. Freedom is a cunt and Denilson for all his flaws is not. He makes you all uncomfortable because you don't like to be challenged. Intellectually, morally, philosophically, is all too much for 'You Guys'.

    Freedom is there claiming black people never invented anything , that their women are ugly, that Jesus was white, etc and not one of you have the full grown bollocks to call him out on it. You are supposed to be men. You are a bunch of wimps.

    I had a dig at you AFTER you came in with your broad brushes again and your tired, same ol' same ol'.

    Look. In case you haven't noticed, nobody here likes you. In fact.... you are universally hated here by everyone except for those you shamelessly suck up to.

    You lead an angry life..... and spill your anger on a faceless forum because you know it's the only place you can do so without consequences.

    The fact you defend a basket case like Denilson speaks for itself. In fact, it is a point for "our gang" as you so gleefully like to put it.

    Only difference between our "gang" and yours is........ in ours we don't have to extract people from the asshole of others from the violent ass-kissing that propels you up other people's anuses.

    I may not agree with Freedom, scumwad. But I got no beef with him like I do with you. It is you that brings out the worst in people.
    "You lead an angry life"... Ha! What is that even supposed to mean? You slagged me off weeks ago like the old woman you have always been.

    I am not the one @ callling mods, the gang thing is all yours and you can't even see it. This entire meltdown by all four of you now was prompted by me posting a picture in a thread about my country that I started.

    Think about that.

    That was enough after weeks of not posting for El Kabong to go off his rocker and demand that I should leave my own country. How Insane is that?

    Why would he do that? Because like you he is an angry muthafukka. All he does is rant and moan in the same inane boring way. Admiteddly not quite as beige as you but he doesn't half go on.
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  7. #892
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    Default Re: The Brexit Thread

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    "I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it."

  8. #893
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    Default Re: The Brexit Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Saturn stupidly and selfishly devouring his own children in order to save himself from being attacked did nothing to stop him becoming irrelevant when he got his arse kicked by Zeus. Just like the myopic Boris and Donald destroying their own countries with no inkling of how irrelevant they will become.

    Same here on the forum with you and your hungry brethren eating the forum from the inside out like the parasitic leeches you are, urging on your own irelevance. Look at Wally, used by Gandalf in order to make himself feel popular and relevant while Wally the cunt used Brock and then repeatedly stabbed the poor bloke in the back. Like El Kabong all three of you have constantly slagged off the mods and taken liberties while they put in the leg work. Fucking animals.
    Ha ha ha you have no clue what you are talking about. Ha ha stab in the back, make miles famous, I haven’t talked to anyone about this place I just looked around and saw ur still doing the same bullshit.

    I seriously did lol at that one which I infrequently do unfortunately I don’t think you were trying to be funny. Ha ha make mikes popular and relevant I have that much power by mentioning him.
    You shouldn't even be here. The three of you hardly ever even watch boxing anymore you just come and post to blow smoke up each others arse and stick your middle fingers up to the rest of the forum. You stabbed Brock in the back. It's hardly anything new for you. It's what you have always done.
    Didn't you harass him constantly by berating the things that made him uncomfortable, basically try and get him banned for Googling your town, and even when gone continue to argue why it was good that he was banned? Just saying.
    Look at yourself Doing exactly what i said you would. Walrus got him banned. Walrus literally logged on as him and pretended to be him because like EL Kabong he could not take someone having a different opinion then him. He is an oversensitive little flower full of poison and here you are sticking up for him. You can't wait to give him a blow job even after all the fake campaign to bring Brock back. When it comes down to it like El kabong and Walrus you have no moral fibre and are anyones for a compliment. It is pathetic.

    Would do you want me to say?

    Oh sorry El Kabong I will up and leave my country because I don't have the same opinion as you about something you literally have no first hand experience of ?
    No beanz I changed his posts saying he was gay. That is what I did. Wtf is wrong with you why this venom.

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    Default Re: The Brexit Thread

    All the mods see is pots and kettles rattling calling each other the same exact thing. Blame mods for it all who cares. @Miles yeah mate, you have been batting for Brocks reinstatement now that he is here anyway and is being level headed,that is exactly what you asked me to put forward and I did. Hope Saddo is ok.
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    I can explain it.
    But I cant understand it for you.

  10. #895
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    Default Re: The Brexit Thread

    And yes @Gandalf I do feel used, but I like it. I’m making you relevant apparently and now beanz for some reason is harping on someone he said was stalking him, ruining his life and forcing him to change the name of his business

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    Default Re: The Brexit Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Andre View Post
    All the mods see is pots and kettles rattling calling each other the same exact thing. Blame mods for it all who cares. @Miles yeah mate, you have been batting for Brocks reinstatement now that he is here anyway and is being level headed,that is exactly what you asked me to put forward and I did. Hope Saddo is ok.
    Thanks Andre.

    I get told I am doing these things like getting people banned, but privately I was asking you to try and help him out, so obviously not true. Then on saying that I was trying to help with the Mods I was then apparently blaming the Mods because Brock is not back and I don't see that at all in this case either. Saddo has just gone quiet and I haven't blamed him or anyone for anything. I have been very mild.

    All this started because Lyle made a jokey comment. Beanz got angry and called Lyle a racist and Lyle said something like 'How am I a racist?' And then on to the next accusation. The next. The next. Then groups then being brought into it. Everyone being a cunt. And then pandemonium. Same old.

  12. #897
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    Default Re: The Brexit Thread

    That is a good question though, where is Saddo or even many of the other Mods? Saddo has been quiet a long time, but others like Fenster were always very active. Hopefully he is okay too. Actually, I suppose Beanz probably thinks me saying 'Saddo has gone AWOL and is ignoring the Mods' is a personal attack. For me it was just saying the obvious, nothing malicious intended. Then again evil intent is all some will see in another. I get accused of so many fascinating things and I kind of enjoy it as it is kind of funny. So many things like I apparently do not think Master is English despite never having said that or that I wear cardigans despite never having worn a cardigan. It is a fascinating character, but it exists only in someone's head.

  13. #898
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    Default Re: The Brexit Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Yes you are a bitter old piss stained ex pat Gandalf. You are all so self obsessed you think you have the power to make people angry You think Denilson is angry , El Kabong thinks Kirkland is angry , Tittyfan thinks everyone is angry, Walrus the shit stirring back stabber thinks anyone who points out what a lame cunt he is is angry. You are a sad bunch of moaning fishwives who never have a break for real life. It is mental. I have been planning and paying for a wedding and am recovering from an injury and am about to go on holiday. I am about as far from angry as it is possible to be, but still you are all convinced anyone not blowing smoke up your arse or being willing to put up with your backstabbing , two faced cuntishness and general racism and bigotry, must be angry. Why? at you lot? Fucking hell you need to get out more.

    None of you are willing to debate anything. You think everyone should be like you, and if they offer a different opinion, outlook or experience, you gang up on them and conspire to have them banned. You are all responsible for the banning of Brock even though Walrus was the enabler. You are censor mad. Look at El Kabong insisting i should go and live in anther country the fucking bigot because he thinks he has some kind of authority to be the thought Police the commie bastard. It is laughable. He would fuck over the entire USA if it meant he thought he won the internet and yet he can't even respect freedom of speech. Even in another country he thinks that someone living there posting a piece of art on an internet forum should have them deported. That is the kind of deranged flesh eating lunacy you are all endorsing every time you refuse to call each other out on your bullshit. You are a bunch of foppish fantasists living in a dream world and you ALL refuse to speak to the forum or anyone but each other.

    And yet now even though you are all in the same cell yelling at the walls you can't see it.

    Wally thinks he hasn't done a thing

    I know nobody of any authority here will come out and say it..... but things sure were quiet around here while you were out on vacation or whatever it is you were doing.

    Also.... am I reading right? Are you carrying the torch for "poor old Brock" now? The same Brock you insulted to within an inch of his life, and pleaded with the mods to ban? That Brock??

    Damn. No sooner do you come back than you start throwing around your "non-angry" spittle again.

    Grouping people together..... speaking for others..... making broad declarations......

    You get called out for singling out Freedom, but you don't say shit about Denilson..... and yet it's everyone ELSE who is twisted?

    Shit man. WTF is up with you?
    I haven't posted for weeks and yet you still had to have a dig at me in my absence so don't pretend to be all sweetness and light. You ain't good people. Freedom is a cunt and Denilson for all his flaws is not. He makes you all uncomfortable because you don't like to be challenged. Intellectually, morally, philosophically, is all too much for 'You Guys'.

    Freedom is there claiming black people never invented anything , that their women are ugly, that Jesus was white, etc and not one of you have the full grown bollocks to call him out on it. You are supposed to be men. You are a bunch of wimps.

    I had a dig at you AFTER you came in with your broad brushes again and your tired, same ol' same ol'.

    Look. In case you haven't noticed, nobody here likes you. In fact.... you are universally hated here by everyone except for those you shamelessly suck up to.

    You lead an angry life..... and spill your anger on a faceless forum because you know it's the only place you can do so without consequences.

    The fact you defend a basket case like Denilson speaks for itself. In fact, it is a point for "our gang" as you so gleefully like to put it.

    Only difference between our "gang" and yours is........ in ours we don't have to extract people from the asshole of others from the violent ass-kissing that propels you up other people's anuses.

    I may not agree with Freedom, scumwad. But I got no beef with him like I do with you. It is you that brings out the worst in people.
    "You lead an angry life"... Ha! What is that even supposed to mean? You slagged me off weeks ago like the old woman you have always been.

    I am not the one @ callling mods, the gang thing is all yours and you can't even see it. This entire meltdown by all four of you now was prompted by me posting a picture in a thread about my country that I started.

    Think about that.

    That was enough after weeks of not posting for El Kabong to go off his rocker and demand that I should leave my own country. How Insane is that?

    Why would he do that? Because like you he is an angry muthafukka. All he does is rant and moan in the same inane boring way. Admiteddly not quite as beige as you but he doesn't half go on.
    Man, calm down! I am in this argument because you keep bringing me up. Can't you see that? I am not vested in Lyle's flippant EU comment or you falsely calling him a racist. It is just that you keep bringing me up and then when I say something I get called names or accused of doing things I have not.

    Lyle was not DEMANDING that you go anywhere. It was a flippant taking the piss kind of comment. The kind that you often make and today you have made many very uncharitable comments of your own and to be fair most of us have been very calm about it.

    I did the @Andre just to clarify that you were way off base and that I had nothing to do with Brock's ban or even have an issue with Mods over this. I took issue with the first ban which was long ago, but the second shared account ban I couldn't really say much as it was a bit dodgy, but what I could do was calmly make the case, which I did privately, that Brock had been calm and had avoided all previous errors and if that could be considered in his favor. I am not the bad guy here.

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    Default Re: The Brexit Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    That is a good question though, where is Saddo or even many of the other Mods? Saddo has been quiet a long time, but others like Fenster were always very active. Hopefully he is okay too. Actually, I suppose Beanz probably thinks me saying 'Saddo has gone AWOL and is ignoring the Mods' is a personal attack. For me it was just saying the obvious, nothing malicious intended. Then again evil intent is all some will see in another. I get accused of so many fascinating things and I kind of enjoy it as it is kind of funny. So many things like I apparently do not think Master is English despite never having said that or that I wear cardigans despite never having worn a cardigan. It is a fascinating character, but it exists only in someone's head.
    A while before I got banned I pm’d saddo about a technical issue I had it took him a few days but he did get back to me. I guess the fact the place is still running is a sign that he is doing ok. We obviously need more mods appointed I think If you appoint Gandalf and beanybaby it will have a yin yang effect and equal out or you could do Lyle and Kirk for the same effect.

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    Default Re: The Brexit Thread

    Oy vey . Saddo is likely just taking a well deserved break from all of us Muppets. Life does blossom off of keyboards once in a while. Last few pages of this one are inspirational that way . Honestly I couldn't tell you the first thing about Brexit as we have our own circus atmosphere with 24/7 coverage. Welcome back Walrus.

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