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Thread: Covid- 19 - Second wave

  1. #886
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Covid- 19 - Second wave

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    You sound like you are morphing into Gandalf.

    You not being seriously ill with Covid is not anything to do with how hard you tried, you horrible shallow bastard.

    Do you not think those millions that have died did not fight to their last dying breath?

    The great thing about seatbelts is it stops you injuring other people too. Those in front of you if you are in the back or others outside if you go through the windscreen. That is not so different with masks. NOT YOU. OTHER PEOPLE.

    Why would someone have to explain that to you?

    Do you think other people's liberty is not as important as your own?

    You don't do you? You have already said as much
    Like you'd treat me any different if I did.

    I see you've missed my point....again.....can't say I'm surprised.

    "Do you think other people's liberty is not as important as your own?"

    That is quite possibly the dumbest thing I have ever read in my life...and you doubled down on it too....My God

    "You don't do you?"

  2. #887
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Covid- 19 - Second wave

    Police in dorms, outdoor exercise ban: UC Berkeley extends dorm lockdown with stricter mandates

    "We are working with the city of Berkeley to determine whether outdoor exercise may be permitted, and we will provide more information on this in the near future," reads a memo from the university on the matter.

    The policies that remain in effect for students include not leaving their rooms unless it is to obtain a COVID-19 test or medical care (including mental health care), use the bathroom or grab food from the dining halls.

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    Default Re: Covid- 19 - Second wave

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    You sound like you are morphing into Gandalf.

    You not being seriously ill with Covid is not anything to do with how hard you tried, you horrible shallow bastard.

    Do you not think those millions that have died did not fight to their last dying breath?

    The great thing about seatbelts is it stops you injuring other people too. Those in front of you if you are in the back or others outside if you go through the windscreen. That is not so different with masks. NOT YOU. OTHER PEOPLE.

    Why would someone have to explain that to you?

    Do you think other people's liberty is not as important as your own?

    You don't do you? You have already said as much
    Like you'd treat me any different if I did.

    I see you've missed my point....again.....can't say I'm surprised.

    "Do you think other people's liberty is not as important as your own?"

    That is quite possibly the dumbest thing I have ever read in my life...and you doubled down on it too....My God

    "You don't do you?"

    It is not rocket science.

    As a practicing Christian surely the health, safety and well being of others is more important than a minor inconvenience to you?

    You putting them at risk would be an infringement of their liberties.

    The whole world is not just about you. That is part of the reason you wear a mask and fasten your seatbelt.

    You are far more wedded to your peculiar selfish brand of politics than to any concern for others it seems.

    You think because you did not suffer badly from Covid that somehow that makes you proof that masks and the lockdown measures are unnecessary.

    Because you were alright Jack.

    Common sense and safety measures are not the same thing as infringing on your man made illusion of liberty.

    Liberty is about as realistic as the false choice given to Adam and Eve.
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  4. #889
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    Default Re: Covid- 19 - Second wave

    wait....... "the false choice given to Adam & Eve".....? Now THIS I gotta hear! Do explain.

  5. #890
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    Default Re: Covid- 19 - Second wave

    Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post
    wait....... "the false choice given to Adam & Eve".....? Now THIS I gotta hear! Do explain.

    Like Orwell I do not believe that Liberty is anything but an illusion. It is not something that Parliament protects at all in the UK but rather something that the British people are guardians over and even then it is not absolute. In times of war like this fight against Covid it is essential that many of them are curtailed.

    Just like the false choice given to Adam and Eve. Gd punishes Adam and Eve for choosing to eat from the tree and yet it is not until they do so that they are gifted the knowledge of good and bad. How could they know that what they were doing was bad? What kind of Gd is this? It is a false choice.

    Unlike the very twisted idea of Christians that all future generations are now inherently sinful for something they could not possibly be responsible for, Jews believe that every human being is responsible for their own moral character and destiny.

    Defying your parents is good. Rebelling is how we learn. You should always question Gd, shake your fist at him etc.

    It is also responsible for horrible ideas like the bell curve and women being devious and second class.
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  6. #891
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    Default Re: Covid- 19 - Second wave

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Ok feeling better. Last night was very bad, chills, headache, vertigo pain damn I had it all. Got up this AM had to lay still for a while now I just feel regular shitty but the second shot is 50 times worse than the first. I must say it appears my reaction is a bit more extreme than most people I know. I hope that to be true because I wouldn’t wish this shit on anyone

    It may have something to do with your Psoriatic Arthritis. As i am sure you are aware it is an autoimmune disease and so although the vacines do not contain any live virus the spike proteins they have introduced to your body to teach it how to fight Covid may have caused a flare up or overreaction. I have Psoriatic Arthritis too and Ankylosing Spondylitis and while they say the vaccines should not cause any more symptoms or flare ups in those with Auto Immune diseases my Dad (who only has AS not PA) was quite poorly for a couple days after having his vaccine.

    I am still very happy that he got the vaccine and now no longer has now side effects though. One of my twin sisters who has AS, like most of us siblings, caught covid and ended up in hospital. She is out and recovered now but she is only in her late twenties. For my Dad it might have finished him off.

    I have no idea when i will get offered one because neither myself or the Mrs are considered 'at risk'.

    We could not get on the supermarket delivery list or anything light that for the last year and i actually had to go and plead with the doctor to waive her epilepsy review yesterday just so we can pick up a new supply of her medication. (the reviews are simply not happening until later in the year).

    It has made it really hard for the NHS but they have over delivered with the amazing roll out of the vaccine.

    That is what happens when you make profit and private enterprise take a back seat and prioritise saving people's lives.
    According to the people I talk to psoriatic arthritis, treated or not, should have no interaction with the vax but I doubt many studies have been conducted on it. I was talking to a buddy who’s wife works at Yale and she was down for 3-4 days after her second shot and she has no underlying condition. Sounds like it’s just your immune system going into action creating the antibodies. Actually numerous people did pose the question about psoriatic arthritis as they were concerned but they all good the same “should not cause any problems” answer. I guess I’d label it more as having a flu with out the congestion part. But some weird neurotically shit I guess I’d say it was like being drunk without the pleasant part of drunk ness. Could be just a reaction racist get I guess. Holy cow el kabong is more racist than me he’d probably get it real bad. They also don’t give you an anti body test see if you have had covid prior. I had the worst flu of my life last year when covid was in the news but allegedly not hear yet. So who knows. Feeling better now as each day passes I should be back to work tomorrow I have not used one sick day yet now I use three for this mess. Let me say this again because I don’t want people to be thinking negative shit. Most of my coworkers were fine after their shots.

  7. #892
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    Default Re: Covid- 19 - Second wave

    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Ok feeling better. Last night was very bad, chills, headache, vertigo pain damn I had it all. Got up this AM had to lay still for a while now I just feel regular shitty but the second shot is 50 times worse than the first. I must say it appears my reaction is a bit more extreme than most people I know. I hope that to be true because I wouldn’t wish this shit on anyone

    It may have something to do with your Psoriatic Arthritis. As i am sure you are aware it is an autoimmune disease and so although the vacines do not contain any live virus the spike proteins they have introduced to your body to teach it how to fight Covid may have caused a flare up or overreaction. I have Psoriatic Arthritis too and Ankylosing Spondylitis and while they say the vaccines should not cause any more symptoms or flare ups in those with Auto Immune diseases my Dad (who only has AS not PA) was quite poorly for a couple days after having his vaccine.

    I am still very happy that he got the vaccine and now no longer has now side effects though. One of my twin sisters who has AS, like most of us siblings, caught covid and ended up in hospital. She is out and recovered now but she is only in her late twenties. For my Dad it might have finished him off.

    I have no idea when i will get offered one because neither myself or the Mrs are considered 'at risk'.

    We could not get on the supermarket delivery list or anything light that for the last year and i actually had to go and plead with the doctor to waive her epilepsy review yesterday just so we can pick up a new supply of her medication. (the reviews are simply not happening until later in the year).

    It has made it really hard for the NHS but they have over delivered with the amazing roll out of the vaccine.

    That is what happens when you make profit and private enterprise take a back seat and prioritise saving people's lives.
    According to the people I talk to psoriatic arthritis, treated or not, should have no interaction with the vax but I doubt many studies have been conducted on it. I was talking to a buddy who’s wife works at Yale and she was down for 3-4 days after her second shot and she has no underlying condition. Sounds like it’s just your immune system going into action creating the antibodies. Actually numerous people did pose the question about psoriatic arthritis as they were concerned but they all good the same “should not cause any problems” answer. I guess I’d label it more as having a flu with out the congestion part. But some weird neurotically shit I guess I’d say it was like being drunk without the pleasant part of drunk ness. Could be just a reaction racist get I guess. Holy cow el kabong is more racist than me he’d probably get it real bad. They also don’t give you an anti body test see if you have had covid prior. I had the worst flu of my life last year when covid was in the news but allegedly not hear yet. So who knows. Feeling better now as each day passes I should be back to work tomorrow I have not used one sick day yet now I use three for this mess. Let me say this again because I don’t want people to be thinking negative shit. Most of my coworkers were fine after their shots.
    Yes definitely a reaction to your latent racism, probably why my Dad had a bit of a wobble. Someone probably told him it was made by some Gentile schmucks out of bacon.

    Did they even find the test result for your

    'Worst flu of my life'

    last year?

    Myself and the Mrs had the same thing after returning from a Covid hot spot, but i have no idea if it was Covid.

    Probably not with the amount of latent racism i have running thru my veins i would have turned into Nigel Farrage and exploded into flames.
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  8. #893
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    Default Re: Covid- 19 - Second wave

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    If seatbelts work why do we need airbags? If airbags work why do we need brakes?


    Nature wants you dead at fifty and five of your nine children to die in infancy. The fact that this doesn't happen is down to medical science and people who are thousands of times smarter than you can comprehend with your little shelf. If I had a superpower I'd pick being able to show stupid people the gulf between them and smart people, the chasm between somebody who is an expert on a subject and the average person. You'd be so shocked you'd be shamed into silence for the length of time the information managed to stay on your shelf.

    You have over a decade now of making endless breathtakingly moronic posts like this. Youhave proved beyond reasonable doubt that you have the cognitive ability and reasoning power of a fucking lettuce. For god's sake due to your unfortunate disability just do what the experts are telling you to do eh. Hard to believe but they know better than you how to keep you and other unfortunate people you come into contact with alive.
    Why aren't there seatbelts & airbags on motorcycles then? Why can you still drive cars without shoulder belts & airbags without any penalty? Why can I ride in the bed of a pickup truck without any penalty?

    You have 0 respect for liberty or your fellow citizen.

    "If I had a superpower" wouldn't be self reflection I can tell you that much.

    LOL who kept me alive when I had COVID? I did...didn't even really have to try all that hard either

    It's impossible that even you are this stupid. This is a pathetic attempt at trolling. If you did have the virus it would come as no surprise. Hopefully you didn't manage to kill somebody else with it although thoughtless idiots like you do that every day.

  9. #894
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    Default Re: Covid- 19 - Second wave

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    If seatbelts work why do we need airbags? If airbags work why do we need brakes?


    Nature wants you dead at fifty and five of your nine children to die in infancy. The fact that this doesn't happen is down to medical science and people who are thousands of times smarter than you can comprehend with your little shelf. If I had a superpower I'd pick being able to show stupid people the gulf between them and smart people, the chasm between somebody who is an expert on a subject and the average person. You'd be so shocked you'd be shamed into silence for the length of time the information managed to stay on your shelf.

    You have over a decade now of making endless breathtakingly moronic posts like this. Youhave proved beyond reasonable doubt that you have the cognitive ability and reasoning power of a fucking lettuce. For god's sake due to your unfortunate disability just do what the experts are telling you to do eh. Hard to believe but they know better than you how to keep you and other unfortunate people you come into contact with alive.
    Why aren't there seatbelts & airbags on motorcycles then? Why can you still drive cars without shoulder belts & airbags without any penalty? Why can I ride in the bed of a pickup truck without any penalty?

    You have 0 respect for liberty or your fellow citizen.

    "If I had a superpower" wouldn't be self reflection I can tell you that much.

    LOL who kept me alive when I had COVID? I did...didn't even really have to try all that hard either

    It's impossible that even you are this stupid. This is a pathetic attempt at trolling. If you did have the virus it would come as no surprise. Hopefully you didn't manage to kill somebody else with it although thoughtless idiots like you do that every day.

  10. #895
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Covid- 19 - Second wave

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    It's impossible that even you are this stupid. This is a pathetic attempt at trolling. If you did have the virus it would come as no surprise. Hopefully you didn't manage to kill somebody else with it although thoughtless idiots like you do that every day.
    Why would it come as no surprise? I followed the rules, I wore the mask, I did the 6 ft distancing, I washed my hands thoroughly and used hand sanitizer. I. Did. It. can simultaneously FOLLOW THE RULES AND QUESTION THEM, those aren't mutually exclusive things.

    Why would I have killed anyone else? I quarantined. My wife, our baby, and I all quarantined. Nobody broke it, not once. Not for an hour, not for a minute, not for a second, not for a nanosecond. We locked everything down and before getting back out into the world again, we cleaned the absolute hell out of all of the bedding, the surface areas, doorknobs, etc etc and then and only then did we end our quarantine.

    So you were saying @Kirkland Laing ?

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    Default Re: Covid- 19 - Second wave

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    I have to disagree. Philosophically this is not just shaky ground. It is a cliff face.

    Life necessitates that we believe things without knowing them every day. You don't open up your engine to make sure the pistons are going, you don't check to make sure every product you buy has the ingredients it says it does by chemically analysing it, you don't take that third hit on a crack pipe to prove how addictive it can be, you don't spar on concrete because you have been knocked out and fractured your skull falling onto it.

    We run our lives on belief. That is not the same thing as blind faith. With TIC EVERYTHING he is asking us all to believe is based on blind faith in him and those he relies on to make him self feel special. He has yet to produce anything to back up that blind faith and is simply playing Devil's advocate for the look of it.

    If he had any knowledge about anything it would be game changing and he would not hesitate to share it.

    He has a shit hand and should have folded months ago.

    Yet you know FOR CERTAIN how evil Trump supporters are

    You don't know if the pistons are going in your car? OK start it and press the gas, if the engine revs then the pistons are going. Do you understand the process it takes for a product to make it to a store shelf? Probably not. But yeah fair to say the American FDA and the UK's MHRA have given the product in question a thorough set of examinations and believe you me it is at a COST to the producer. No need to actually do a drug to use the scientific method to observe the effects or study them....pretty basic common sense about the concrete, again something which can be easily tested.

    If the vaccine works why is government still demanding people wear masks and hell I wore the mask, I still caught the fucking COVID, I followed the rules, still caught what do I risk by NOT wearing the mask? Already had the thing the mask was supposed to keep me from getting....oh that's right I need to double up on the mask and then triple up on them.

    Better stay in that bunker mate It's the only way to be sure.

    If seatbelts work why do we need airbags? If airbags work why do we need brakes?


    Nature wants you dead at fifty and five of your nine children to die in infancy. The fact that this doesn't happen is down to medical science and people who are thousands of times smarter than you can comprehend with your little shelf. If I had a superpower I'd pick being able to show stupid people the gulf between them and smart people, the chasm between somebody who is an expert on a subject and the average person. You'd be so shocked you'd be shamed into silence for the length of time the information managed to stay on your shelf.

    You have over a decade now of making endless breathtakingly moronic posts like this. Youhave proved beyond reasonable doubt that you have the cognitive ability and reasoning power of a fucking lettuce. For god's sake due to your unfortunate disability just do what the experts are telling you to do eh. Hard to believe but they know better than you how to keep you and other unfortunate people you come into contact with alive.
    brakes & airbags don't serve the same purpose idiot. just do what the experts are telling you? like the people from the tuskegee syphilis study trusted to so called experts? or the so called experts & weapons of mass destruction? or all the people who trusted these experts & die from medical errors each year? what a retard
    Last edited by TIC; 02-12-2021 at 11:32 PM.
    It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.

  12. #897
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    Default Re: Covid- 19 - Second wave

    had to put a bet on the races for the double at randwick today just based on the horses names. stay inside to win in race two & masked crusader to win in race six. you couldn't make this bullshit up. well actually you could. thanks covid bullshit i'll spend it well
    It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.

  13. #898
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    Default Re: Covid- 19 - Second wave

    To the none believing idiots I am in work at 6.30 Saturday morning doing my job.
    Covid has taken a great toll in my area were I live a friend just lost his uncle to covid I cremated him on Wednesday.
    I was talking to some health professionals (Doctors) this virus is nasty if you have any underlying health issues it seems to attack those weakness it makes them much worse.
    But those who don't it can be just as bad in or local hospital there are still well over a hundred people being treated.!
    We have very contagious strain of the virus in our area stay safe it's not going away this virus just yet.!

  14. #899
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    Default Re: Covid- 19 - Second wave

    So 12 strains of covid in Dec 2019 in wuhan, interesting.

  15. #900
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    Default Re: Covid- 19 - Second wave

    Quote Originally Posted by Dia bando View Post
    To the none believing idiots I am in work at 6.30 Saturday morning doing my job.
    Covid has taken a great toll in my area were I live a friend just lost his uncle to covid I cremated him on Wednesday.
    I was talking to some health professionals (Doctors) this virus is nasty if you have any underlying health issues it seems to attack those weakness it makes them much worse.
    But those who don't it can be just as bad in or local hospital there are still well over a hundred people being treated.!
    We have very contagious strain of the virus in our area stay safe it's not going away this virus just yet.!
    Seems rather than discuss how this virus seems to impact certain blood types- To discuss if any certain group are more susceptible to become carriers (asymptomatic), we're seemingly forced to deflect.
    As with all topics; let's talk media's coverage, let's claim my freedoms are being taken away if told to wear a mask. Crazy part is that this (process) of distributing the vaccine (wear masks) was actually signed by the outgoing president via Operation Warp Speed, yet I can't find any of his voters stating it, typing it.

    IMO that is the BIGGEST failure in America's senators, House Reps & both mainstream & right wing media treated the guidelines like a fad; they talked about the 15 day guideline, then proceeded to rolling back-regardless of what numbers (they themselves) wrote would be necessary in order to -roll back their guidelines.

    I'm Sure you've seen one or both- just reposting how the outgoing Prez' claims of what was needed and revisit if these numbers actually occurred or to heck with their own plan, just blame somebody/group.
    Here are the coronavirus guidelines released by the White House
    Andrew O'ReillyBy Andrew O'Reilly | Fox News
    amazing how the previous coronavirus was depicted as a death sentence

    So sad how Ebola was depicted as a virus the president won't protect the people from to not even mentioning the president under Covid-19.

    "Obama's approach to Ebola was like everything else, unserious"
    Ted Cruz
    " I think the president (Trump) did the right thing on covid"
    Ted Cruz

    "Ebola fear spreading across the nation"
    " This Ebola crisis is causing a scare"

    Fox News

    "Do you think America could be overwhelmed with Ebola? Absolutely!"
    FOX's Hannity discussion

    FOX news
    The problem is panic not the coronavirus covid"
    FOX news

    "Are we freaking out too much over this covid19?
    FOX news

    "They have contained this coronavirus, let everybody go about their business"
    Dr. Drew Pinsky on FOX & Friends

    "It's a disaster. And their is panic all over the country"

    Donald Trump on Ebola under President Obama.

    "Mainstream media is causing panic because this is the new Democratic hoax"
    President Trump on covid-19.

    There is no wonder there is polarization when mainstream media is held accountable for their deviance, but when right wing media does it, no problem.

    Under Trump- Operation Warp Speed is a success and the president has saved us.
    Under Biden, the government will force us to take a vaccine that puts chip implants in our bodies via Bill Gates' vaccines.
    Bill Gates vaccine to track people as if we're not tracked already, well at that. Pfizer Big Pharma=good vaccine. Yet over 80 Pharmaceutical companies are involved. IMO Sorrowful discussions... America has become THE den of division on every topic, every policy, every bill signed.

    As opposed to discussing how to boost our immune systems, seems it's best to See how many nicknames we can come up with- Chinese virus, the Kung Flu, The New Democratic Hoax & ignore that open secret that the medical field's expectation is that the vaccine may have to be taken like the flu shot- every year. That's a lot of $ Big Pharma stands to make, but yet they were taken on, promise made promise kept. Yeah right!

    End game, we may be going from pandemic to endemic. Just get use to it, wow.
    Stay safe!
    Last edited by SlimTrae; 02-15-2021 at 07:10 PM.
    All's lost! Everything's going to shit!

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