What an absolute bellend.i'm wondering why @paulmalignaggi was so gutless on the weekend against Khan almost as deserate as @WayneMcCullough for joining prizefighter
anyone else here for the khan fight? after david price bored me to death and man-lover chisora, i can't wait to see some monster punchers.
@andredirrell i think you could achieve a lot more if you didn't put so much into being a ballerina and an actor
@andredirrell whine whine whine... in the ring, out the ring - same old tune.
The funny thing is, he calls Wayne McCullough desperate, yet he is on twitter slagging off other world class boxers hoping to get a rise out of them and 'stealing' some followers and a bit of attention off of the back of it.
His bio as well: Future Heavyweight Champion of the World
Fat bastard. Hope David Haye sees him out one night and puts a chin on him.