Wow. I like the prospects of it. Have not considered it much but this one yells bringing the best out of both guys. I do think Marquez was juuuust a bit too patient in counter mode with Manny but that is splitting hairs, I doubt he affords Tim the same tempo and likewise Bradley would not be in awe of moment and would press on as he's always done. He had better be very wise to not sell out on 'power' and that dip in stamina late that he's had in spots. I can see him getting stuck between styles when Marquez piles up the sharpshooting and angles as it goes...that left to body would be a biatch for Bradley. Quite simply if Marquez is pot shotting and choosing combos on Pac then a well deserved and quality Bradley better bring a bat. Marquez is a sage of the sweet science, quality calculator who finds and masters opportunities. I don't think he stops Bradley at all and will be nicked up a good bit but I think he'll take the dec at this point.