Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
I appreciate the point you are trying to make but I think that are pointing an equivalence that is not really there. Putting aside the differences between the USA and the UK for now you are asserting, like many others that Tommy is not being given his rights to free speech. This is the same Tommy Robinson running for election to the EU which we always being told is actually a dictatorship. Not only is the video evidence there of him campaigning just like Nigel to join the elite career politician gravy train, but he is all over the free press. From far right wing rags like the Daily Heil to the leftist Guardian and everything inbetween. He has already broken a load of electoral laws in giving out free food and providing entertainment but he is carrying on. He may well if he is imprisoned in his forthcoming case be breaking yet another law in even standing for election, so spare us all the innocent Tommy rubbish.

Nobody seems to be acknowledging Tommy and his heavies keenness to shut the mouth of anyone using their democratic voice to protest, or the blatant constant aggressive stance taken by finger wagging getting in your face Tommy and the thugs who surround him. Yes of course people with whom we disagree should be allowed the right to speak but that does not extend to them dictating who the law should apply to, insisting that the right to spread violence, division and hatred are also ensconced within that same privilege.

People have thrown eggs etc at campaigning politicians for years. Not until Prescott the new labour thug puched some bloke back has it now been seen as acceptable to pretend that politicians are OK to rain punches down onto people like Tommy has for years now.

Milo and I am a Dinner Jacket maybe both confused homosexuals with a distaste for their own attractions, but there the similarity ends. I understand your disgust at the whole deplatforming thing, particularly at Universities but you will find the same attitude amongst the very heart of the rhetoric espoused by those that they oppose. There is no respect there in Milo or Gavin or Tommy for any kind of reasonable debate. Like Peterson they throw verbal hand grenades and then feign alarm when people acting on their extremist nonsense go out and harass, bully, attack and murder people they have painted as enemies of the people. They are just as sickening and twisted as the tabloid press.

I'm resigned to never changing your mind on this issue much like I'm resigned to the fact that no matter what Trump says or does certain people are going to hate him, he could cure cancer and people would still think he's the antichrist.

I don't believe Tommy is shy about debate. I can assure you that Gavin and Milo and Jordan Peterson are not shy about debate at all....the questions must be asked especially since Gavin & Milo's "unpersoning" What forum/venue/platform would they be ALLOWED to speak on? Where would there be an audience ALLOWED to hear their views? Gavin used to be on FoxNews, he used to have a show on CompoundMedia and RebelTV and now he's doing his own thing since he was let go when BlazeTV bought CRTV due to the SPLC WRONGFULLY labeling him and the Proud Boys as "white nationalists" and "hate merchants" whatever the fuck that is. Nobody mainstream will have him and so this whole "He won't debate! He's mentally weak and unable to defend his beliefs" is not correct. Gavin has debated Richard Spencer who is an actual White Supremacist and Gavin has called out the idiocy of White Supremacy and this insane idea Spencer has for a White ethnostate. McInnes ponders "Hundreds of interracial couples, thousands of little mixed babies, what happens to them? Do they all get sent to Africa?" yes it's a ridiculous notion he brings up but that ridicule takes any and all air out of Spencer's ever so serious contention for this fucking ethnostate....which is kinda odd no? You know for someone the SPLC says is a "white nationalist" to take the piss out of an actual self described white nationalist?....but I get it you know OF those guys you don't really bother listening to them and that is perfectly A-OK Jim Dandy fine. I'm merely attempting to point out that he doesn't have much of a platform on which to debate given that Big Tech has unpersoned him. If McInnes or Milo weren't banned they'd debate ANYONE it's kinda what they do, win lose, or draw they'll speak their piece and listen to others as well.

Jordan Peterson just had a very friendly debate with Slavoj Zizek. Zizek calls himself a Communist, but he's very evasive about it and even he has disdain for 20th century Communism. I don't think Peterson handled that debate the best as I believe he's not caught up on Big Tech and their forms of totalitarian control...but other than that it was a solid debate.

You're right in your statement that "Milo and I am a Dinner Jacket maybe both confused homosexuals with a distaste for their own attractions, but there the similarity ends." Milo is harmless, he's a rascal, a rogue, an edgelord, a shitposter, a provocateur...Ahmadinejad was a puppet leader of one of the largest terrorist states on Earth. And yet it was MILO whose speech was met with violence and riots...WHY? What about Milo is threatening vs Ahmadinejad? It's that Milo, although very silly, can get folks to question their thinking by being relatable as a human and clever in how he poses his arguments/beliefs whereas Ahmadinejad is a dictator who people believe because they have no fucking choice not to ...at least in Iran. Once Ahmadinejad spoke and people laughed at his assessment that "Iran doesn't have that problem" when asked about gays in Iran....that was the power of free speech in action! Ahmadinejad was rendered weak, useless, pathetic, the emperor was shown to be wearing not even his trusty Members Only jacket and in front of all those young college kids and THEY were the ones who did that to him.....yet we're to believe that kids of the same age can't handle Milo or Gavin or Dr. Peterson or Ben Shapiro the Jewiest "white supremacist" ever? It is ridiculous coddling and it's not helping create mature adults.

At the end of the day you're free to hate Tommy or think as little of him as you'd like, but I like my idiots out in the open loud and proud so I can see them and talk their points down because I don't fear them and remember turnabout is fair play and that is why all speech must be allowed else we go down the slippery slope of what's allowed or not allowed and next thing you know it you wind up in a gulag and we're not that far off.