140 000 voters leaving the GOP is a rounding error out of 75 million votes cast last November. Party registration always jumps around a lot. I would still bet that the next election comes down to tens of thousands of votes either way in a few battleground states like the last two have which means the current GOP gleichschaltung programme detailed in that autopsy report is even more horrific. Here's another part of it:<br><br>https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/elections/texas-gop-recruiting-army-fight-fraud-largely-minority-areas-houston-n1263624<br><br><br><br>Immigration:<br><br><br>ht tps://twitter.com/m_clem/status/1382439055594557442<br><br><br><br>Infrastructure: <br><br><br>https://twitter.com/mattyglesias/status/1382304362400190469<br><br><br><br>Interestingly Biden's very popular infrastructure bill becomes even more popular when voters hear the money to pay for it will come from increased corporate taxes. Here's the GOP counter offer such as it is:<br><br>https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2021/04/biden-infrastructure-senate-republicans-gas-tax.html<br><br>The party of the working classes.<br><br><br><br>And if you thought the Nazi reference above was unfair then you have to deal with the fact that the GOP is currently normalising white supremacy and making it acceptable to Americans. This is not promising for America's future at all:<br><br>https://twitter.com/NikkiMcR/status/1380309798957285376<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br ><br><br>