Quote Originally Posted by JazMerkin View Post

People sadly are pretty stupid though. Muslims are taking our jobs/raping our women/living off benefits/building hate mosques/forcibly converting household pets/planning to blow up the whole world, and that's only if you take in even a tenth of what gets printed in the tabloid press. It's bound to seep through & affect how people think of them & thereby Khan, who actually is just a normal British lad who happens to be Muslim.

I don't see Khan as any more arrogant than Haye or Froch, so I don't think that can be it. One thing that could justify it is when he talks about himself in the 3rd person. I don't think Khan realizes that the American accent gives the likes of Floyd & Roy Jones the swagger to pull it off, whereas done in a slightly stuttering Lancashire accent, he just sounds like a tit
you are right hes not even that arrogant

maybe if he was more arrogant and claimed he was gonna break peoples faces id like him more

i like haye and froch for that

i think he just needs to grow some balls, be a man. I appreciate boxers who are tough and get stuck in, risk it a bit

yeah the last 3 rounds of maidana fight he took some punches and didnt go down but as soon as he took one he started running and carried on running and trying to cover up

even against mclousky the one punch of any note he took for a split second he seemed to bottle it and not know what to do