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Thread: The Huge List of Trump's accomplishments to-date, which the Media will never report:

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    Default The Huge List of Trump's accomplishments to-date, which the Media will never report:

    skip the video to 7:30 if you "don't have time to watch a video" as Gandalf has often said, and learn something factual about Trump. @Gandalf you have asked and @Kirkland Laing has asked and others have asked WHAT HAS HE ACCOMPLISHED? Well its time to prove you really want the answer and watch this video which lists them one by one by one by one. If you dont watch, how can you ever ask that question? It means you DO NOT WANT THE ANSWER. Which wouldnt surprise me at all, seeing as your Trump-Bashing behavior is right in line with the MSM. @El Kabong @TitoFan @Dia bando

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    Default Re: The Huge List of Trump's accomplishments to-date, which the Media will never repo

    It's a good thing Fox is there to tell us all the truth then, isn't it? Do you really watch that rubbish? Fake news, fake news, fake news......Now here's a clip from Fox telling us why Trump is great!

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    Default Re: The Huge List of Trump's accomplishments to-date, which the Media will never repo

    Ha! Priceless.

    You start a thread pretending in the safe space, snow flake, alt right hipster internet forum troll club, that you belong to along with Lyle, that not only has Trump been somehow exceptional in his achievements so far as President, but that the media has failed to report it. You then follow that stupid claim with a 38 minute arse kissing fest, from a huge multi national media company, broadcast all over the world reporting it

    Trump is exceptional only in that like you and Lyle he lives in a world of delusional nonsense. Trump pretends that he is some rare beast and you and Lyle are so incredibly gullible you suck it up without any objectivity. He is afforded the same magical status as the Emperor with no clothes. Nobody is allowed to state the obvious or they are just put onto ignore or accused of being mentally ill etc. I have to admit that I am very surprised at how naive and shallow yourself and Lyle seem to be where Trump is concerned. He is all show and no substance. Never before have you had such a vacuous, empty and hollow shell at the helm. He loves playing pretend and having his advisors gather around a table and suck up to him, but when they refuse to agree with everything he demands he sacks them. That betrays somebody who does not even have the expertise he claims in hiring people. He is an unmitigated disaster by any neutral standard. He can't negotiate. That is the big selling point he campaigned on and he can't do it. He just throws his toys out of the pram and leaves the table. Internationally and Domestically.

    Empty boasts. He is very repetitive in this. Ring any bells ? Saying the same thing again and again because the crap that you and Lyle are pedaling has no substance. It's why you have to repeat ad nausea and then pretend that is somehow a virtue of your non -existent argument. Routine and unimportant bills under Trump and his hangers on become miraculously transformed into "tremendous success" . Other Presidents have signed more far reaching legislation in their first 100 days but Trump has to be the best, even if that has no basis in reality. Even his executive orders are mired in legislative barriers betraying his weakness. He can't unify and lead or negotiate, he has to resort to throwing his weight around an being a bully because he does not even have the skills to make policy.

    Fake News. Again .

    Must do better

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    "I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it."

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    Default Re: The Huge List of Trump's accomplishments to-date, which the Media will never repo

    so @Gandalf @Beanz so no recognition of that 40+ item list of accomplishments then? How that doesnt surprise me!

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    Default Re: The Huge List of Trump's accomplishments to-date, which the Media will never repo

    I am not sure what he is meant to have achieved, Brock. I watched the clip, but it was things like the stock market being high and deregulating finance even further. I am not sure how those can be considered achievements. How has he quantifiably improved the quality of your life? Unless you are in the 1% how are any of these things of any tangible benefit to you?

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    Default Re: The Huge List of Trump's accomplishments to-date, which the Media will never repo

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    I am not sure what he is meant to have achieved, Brock. I watched the clip, but it was things like the stock market being high and deregulating finance even further. I am not sure how those can be considered achievements. How has he quantifiably improved the quality of your life? Unless you are in the 1% how are any of these things of any tangible benefit to you?
    Miles u dont see Veterans health as important? TPP? women's entrepeneurship? Dodd-Frank weakening? Shale? (just to name a few) etc as important to everyday Americans

  7. #7
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: The Huge List of Trump's accomplishments to-date, which the Media will never repo

    Donald Trump could cure Cancer and the only response from those who oppose him would be "What took you so long?"....Trump is doing just fine considering the Mainstream Media is out to get him and has been since they realized giving him a chance to speak actually helped him win the election. He needs to build the wall, he needs to keep our GDP growth at 3% or higher (preferably higher), he needs to do tax reform, and he needs to end the war on drugs....those things would help a great deal. Maybe they'll happen, maybe they won't only time will tell. Right now he's leveraging the Democrats to put pressure on Republicans in Congress and either they will play ball or they'll be viewed as obstructionist and have to deal with primary challengers who Trump may endorse in order to get a Congress which will work with him.

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    Default Re: The Huge List of Trump's accomplishments to-date, which the Media will never repo

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Donald Trump could cure Cancer and the only response from those who oppose him would be "What took you so long?"....Trump is doing just fine considering the Mainstream Media is out to get him and has been since they realized giving him a chance to speak actually helped him win the election. He needs to build the wall, he needs to keep our GDP growth at 3% or higher (preferably higher), he needs to do tax reform, and he needs to end the war on drugs....those things would help a great deal. Maybe they'll happen, maybe they won't only time will tell. Right now he's leveraging the Democrats to put pressure on Republicans in Congress and either they will play ball or they'll be viewed as obstructionist and have to deal with primary challengers who Trump may endorse in order to get a Congress which will work with him.
    Miles and Beanz and Kirk think its "cool" and its also even for imbeciles so easy to just be contrary and say you oppose, oppose, oppose, in fact thhe easiest thing in the world is to just keep saying someone is wrong, wrong, wrong, hey its even easier to say someone is "orange" FFS, as Miles loves to keep saying Americans look "orange", WTF, these brainwashed "I-wanna-look-like-an-SJW-revolutionary" anti-Trumpers are like kids in a sandbox, being as disingenuous and lemming-like as possible, thinking its somehow "cool" to feign that they "fail to see" any of Trump's accomplishments in such a short time DESPITE BEING TOTALLY CRUCIFIED HOURLY by the entire mainstream media, apart from Fox and Alex Jones, without whom I have no idea how anyone would ever know anything Trump has done apart from "golden showers in Moscow" type stuff.

    People like Beanz and Miles and Kirk actually work for the mainstream media it looks like, thinking it is just so "cool" to "fail to see" anything great Trump has done. Typical lefty demon-rats, feigning moral outrage, feigning blindness, playing the Poor Card and the Race Card, playing the Chomsky Card and the Marxist Card. These are some really SICK, DISHONEST people.

  9. #9
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: The Huge List of Trump's accomplishments to-date, which the Media will never repo

    Quote Originally Posted by brocktonblockbust View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Donald Trump could cure Cancer and the only response from those who oppose him would be "What took you so long?"....Trump is doing just fine considering the Mainstream Media is out to get him and has been since they realized giving him a chance to speak actually helped him win the election. He needs to build the wall, he needs to keep our GDP growth at 3% or higher (preferably higher), he needs to do tax reform, and he needs to end the war on drugs....those things would help a great deal. Maybe they'll happen, maybe they won't only time will tell. Right now he's leveraging the Democrats to put pressure on Republicans in Congress and either they will play ball or they'll be viewed as obstructionist and have to deal with primary challengers who Trump may endorse in order to get a Congress which will work with him.
    Miles and Beanz and Kirk think its "cool" and its also even for imbeciles so easy to just be contrary and say you oppose, oppose, oppose, in fact thhe easiest thing in the world is to just keep saying someone is wrong, wrong, wrong, hey its even easier to say someone is "orange" FFS, as Miles loves to keep saying Americans look "orange", WTF, these brainwashed "I-wanna-look-like-an-SJW-revolutionary" anti-Trumpers are like kids in a sandbox, being as disingenuous and lemming-like as possible, thinking its somehow "cool" to feign that they "fail to see" any of Trump's accomplishments in such a short time DESPITE BEING TOTALLY CRUCIFIED HOURLY by the entire mainstream media, apart from Fox and Alex Jones, without whom I have no idea how anyone would ever know anything Trump has done apart from "golden showers in Moscow" type stuff.

    People like Beanz and Miles and Kirk actually work for the mainstream media it looks like, thinking it is just so "cool" to "fail to see" anything great Trump has done. Typical lefty demon-rats, feigning moral outrage, feigning blindness, playing the Poor Card and the Race Card, playing the Chomsky Card and the Marxist Card. These are some really SICK, DISHONEST people.
    Miles is fine I'm not going to agree with everyone all the time, I don't agree with you all the time, I don't agree with things I've believed in the past things evolve over time miles isn't an asshole about how he lays out his ideas most of the time.

    Kirkland can be and has been in the past very good about laying out a clear and concise argument but recently he's done nothing but promote the Russia collusion story which ironically enough is tantamount to the craziest theories Alex Jones comes up with and he is completely unaware of that. Other than that he's just been a little more petty than usual and that's ok, HIS GAL (He thinks capitalized letters are racist too lol) lost and he's still hurt about that and that's ok. I kind of feel a little sorry for him.

    Beanz has absolutely nothing to contribute to this forum but whining. I've got him blocked and he'll stay blocked, he never answered 1 single fucking question I asked him you're not going to get anywhere with somebody who is all one way traffic....say what you will about me but if I'm asked a question I'll at least attempt an answer to it even if I end up disagreeing with myself. I'm a human, I'm flawed, but God damnit I'll have a little back and forth in my posts. Kirk asks me questions and I'll try to answer them or if I think Kirkland is barking up the wrong tree I'll address that but Beanz NEVER answers a question I guess he's too good for that. Spicoli who I don't always agree with but I respect he'll answer questions I ask, TitoFan I've argued with more than most on here he's brilliant about answering questions, X is never typically in debates of this nature but he'll answer anything you ask him, Master is great about having back and forth a true dialogue.....with Beanz it's just a monotonous soliloquy every fucking time, and I have grown well tired of that and I also didn't care for being called a Nazi/Nazi Sympathizer just because I asked him to clarify a snarky ass comment he made and Al asked him to be serious and go into a little detail but nah, nah, Beanz "can't be arsed" with it (to borrow a phrase from across the pond) and so I've given up on him and hope he fucks off to somewhere else. "Who me?!?! I didn't do that...angry?!?! I'm not angry" fuck off you sad bastard

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    Default Re: The Huge List of Trump's accomplishments to-date, which the Media will never repo

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by brocktonblockbust View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Donald Trump could cure Cancer and the only response from those who oppose him would be "What took you so long?"....Trump is doing just fine considering the Mainstream Media is out to get him and has been since they realized giving him a chance to speak actually helped him win the election. He needs to build the wall, he needs to keep our GDP growth at 3% or higher (preferably higher), he needs to do tax reform, and he needs to end the war on drugs....those things would help a great deal. Maybe they'll happen, maybe they won't only time will tell. Right now he's leveraging the Democrats to put pressure on Republicans in Congress and either they will play ball or they'll be viewed as obstructionist and have to deal with primary challengers who Trump may endorse in order to get a Congress which will work with him.
    Miles and Beanz and Kirk think its "cool" and its also even for imbeciles so easy to just be contrary and say you oppose, oppose, oppose, in fact thhe easiest thing in the world is to just keep saying someone is wrong, wrong, wrong, hey its even easier to say someone is "orange" FFS, as Miles loves to keep saying Americans look "orange", WTF, these brainwashed "I-wanna-look-like-an-SJW-revolutionary" anti-Trumpers are like kids in a sandbox, being as disingenuous and lemming-like as possible, thinking its somehow "cool" to feign that they "fail to see" any of Trump's accomplishments in such a short time DESPITE BEING TOTALLY CRUCIFIED HOURLY by the entire mainstream media, apart from Fox and Alex Jones, without whom I have no idea how anyone would ever know anything Trump has done apart from "golden showers in Moscow" type stuff.

    People like Beanz and Miles and Kirk actually work for the mainstream media it looks like, thinking it is just so "cool" to "fail to see" anything great Trump has done. Typical lefty demon-rats, feigning moral outrage, feigning blindness, playing the Poor Card and the Race Card, playing the Chomsky Card and the Marxist Card. These are some really SICK, DISHONEST people.
    Miles is fine I'm not going to agree with everyone all the time, I don't agree with you all the time, I don't agree with things I've believed in the past things evolve over time miles isn't an asshole about how he lays out his ideas most of the time.

    Kirkland can be and has been in the past very good about laying out a clear and concise argument but recently he's done nothing but promote the Russia collusion story which ironically enough is tantamount to the craziest theories Alex Jones comes up with and he is completely unaware of that. Other than that he's just been a little more petty than usual and that's ok, HIS GAL (He thinks capitalized letters are racist too lol) lost and he's still hurt about that and that's ok. I kind of feel a little sorry for him.

    Beanz has absolutely nothing to contribute to this forum but whining. I've got him blocked and he'll stay blocked, he never answered 1 single fucking question I asked him you're not going to get anywhere with somebody who is all one way traffic....say what you will about me but if I'm asked a question I'll at least attempt an answer to it even if I end up disagreeing with myself. I'm a human, I'm flawed, but God damnit I'll have a little back and forth in my posts. Kirk asks me questions and I'll try to answer them or if I think Kirkland is barking up the wrong tree I'll address that but Beanz NEVER answers a question I guess he's too good for that. Spicoli who I don't always agree with but I respect he'll answer questions I ask, TitoFan I've argued with more than most on here he's brilliant about answering questions, X is never typically in debates of this nature but he'll answer anything you ask him, Master is great about having back and forth a true dialogue.....with Beanz it's just a monotonous soliloquy every fucking time, and I have grown well tired of that and I also didn't care for being called a Nazi/Nazi Sympathizer just because I asked him to clarify a snarky ass comment he made and Al asked him to be serious and go into a little detail but nah, nah, Beanz "can't be arsed" with it (to borrow a phrase from across the pond) and so I've given up on him and hope he fucks off to somewhere else. "Who me?!?! I didn't do that...angry?!?! I'm not angry" fuck off you sad bastard
    Well now hol' up, hol' up Lyle, I never said Miles was an asshole, he is nothing of the sort, he normally replies with thoughtfulness and dignity, normally I say, though he has come unhinged a bit lately and has called me a Nazi or something like that. Kirk is rather dignified as well, and I would not call him an asshole either.

    But how dare you say anything about blocking @Beanz FFS Lyle you cannot do that, you just can't I say, you mustn't, NO, NOT THAT!

    Miles and Kirk are OK by me, I just said they think its COOL to be contrary about Trump, its a kind of knee-jerk anti-Trumpism infecting tens of millions especially those below the age of 36 usually. It must feel really COOL to them to "find" reasons they dislike Trump, its like an ETERNAL "GOTCHA!" MOMENT

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    Default Re: The Huge List of Trump's accomplishments to-date, which the Media will never repo

    Quote Originally Posted by brocktonblockbust View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    I am not sure what he is meant to have achieved, Brock. I watched the clip, but it was things like the stock market being high and deregulating finance even further. I am not sure how those can be considered achievements. How has he quantifiably improved the quality of your life? Unless you are in the 1% how are any of these things of any tangible benefit to you?
    Miles u dont see Veterans health as important? TPP? women's entrepeneurship? Dodd-Frank weakening? Shale? (just to name a few) etc as important to everyday Americans
    He hasn't really done anything you've listed here that wasn't going to happen already other than pull out of the TPP agreement (which was dead in the water long before he took office) other than have a few press events to make it sound like he's doing something.

    Apart from weakening Dodd Frank. You say it like it's a good thing. Why is weakening it a good idea, hmmm?

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    Default Re: The Huge List of Trump's accomplishments to-date, which the Media will never repo

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Donald Trump could cure Cancer and the only response from those who oppose him would be "What took you so long?"....Trump is doing just fine considering the Mainstream Media is out to get him and has been since they realized giving him a chance to speak actually helped him win the election. He needs to build the wall, he needs to keep our GDP growth at 3% or higher (preferably higher), he needs to do tax reform, and he needs to end the war on drugs....those things would help a great deal. Maybe they'll happen, maybe they won't only time will tell. Right now he's leveraging the Democrats to put pressure on Republicans in Congress and either they will play ball or they'll be viewed as obstructionist and have to deal with primary challengers who Trump may endorse in order to get a Congress which will work with him.
    GDP currently running at an annualised rate of two percent. Not going to build a wall. Sessions ramping up the war on drugs, going for dope amokers soon.

    How will tax reform help anything?

  13. #13
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: The Huge List of Trump's accomplishments to-date, which the Media will never repo

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    GDP currently running at an annualised rate of two percent. Not going to build a wall. Sessions ramping up the war on drugs, going for dope amokers soon.

    How will tax reform help anything?
    GDP is moving in the right direction 1.2 in the first quarter and 3.0 in the second quarter.

    If no wall is built he'll have to endure the consequences of a base which would no longer trust him. I make the assumption that re-election is something he values ergo there will be A wall at some point in the future. (How do you go from "He's turning his back on what he did with DACA" to "The will be no wall." and then there's no commentary after that, uit's full stop there will be no wall....nah, there will be 1 thing A) A Wall or B ) Consequences for inaction on the wall.....1 of those will happen).

    Well then good news for Jeff Sessions, there's not a whole lot of dope "amokers" around chubby fingers. And no he hasn't moved on any state with legalized pot either....very silly especially when considering the tax burden that eases...

    How will tax reform help indeed....I'm ever so worried about it helping....I just said he planned to work on that and therefore that's on the list of things he's scheduled to work on.

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    Default Re: The Huge List of Trump's accomplishments to-date, which the Media will never repo

    My two cents on that Great Wall.........

    I think that's one of those campaign promises Trump shouted out with glee, without stopping to think about the enormity or the impracticality of the task. In these technological times, there's better/ more effective ways to curb illegal immigration from a bordering country than to build another Great Wall. I've seen so many cartoonish spoofs on this Great Wall, it's amazing. It's a humongous, outlandish expenditure..... and hence Trump's OTHER shouted campaign promise: "The Mexicans are going to pay for it."

    Yeah. And I've got some beachfront property in Nebraska I'm selling to the highest bidder.

    That's the problem with half-baked, ill-thought-out campaign promises. People will hold you to 'em.

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    Default Re: The Huge List of Trump's accomplishments to-date, which the Media will never repo

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    My two cents on that Great Wall.........

    I think that's one of those campaign promises Trump shouted out with glee, without stopping to think about the enormity or the impracticality of the task. In these technological times, there's better/ more effective ways to curb illegal immigration from a bordering country than to build another Great Wall. I've seen so many cartoonish spoofs on this Great Wall, it's amazing. It's a humongous, outlandish expenditure..... and hence Trump's OTHER shouted campaign promise: "The Mexicans are going to pay for it."

    Yeah. And I've got some beachfront property in Nebraska I'm selling to the highest bidder.

    That's the problem with half-baked, ill-thought-out campaign promises. People will hold you to 'em.
    If you were to tax western union money transfers leaving the country for Mexico Mexico will pay for it.

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