Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
I thought Golovkin won the fight last night, won the first Canelo fight and narrowly won the second Canelo fight, (though I could see how you could make it a draw or give it to Canelo, you can't do that with the first one so easily) . Is GGG not allowed narrow wins or close fights then? Surely being in those kind of fights and getting the win adds to his legacy not takes away? I don't think Canelo is over rated at all. He is massively under-rated. All the weight difference and drug cheating stuff is bollocks don't get me wrong, he doesn't get a free pass, but i think that has caused people to be very grudging in awarding him any justified praise. Much of his boxing is very classy and at times, sublime. He is an elite fighter and Oscar being a dick does not nullify that. So with that in mind GGG is anything but a mug. He fought someone who will go down as a modern great (maybe not at the same level as many past greats) arguably beat him twice, made a ton of money and increased his exposure and has dealt with every fighter put in front of him with real gutsy and quality displays.

Great Fighter.

I was trying to follow you on that until I got to the "massively under-rated" part.


Stop it you're killing me here. Did you reread what you just wrote?? Massively underrated?? Canelo is Mr. Boxing, FFS man!! Wake the f*ck up and smell the roses!

Nobody underrates Canelo. TV fawns all over him. Non-boxing fans are acutely aware of that "handsome" ginger face. Vegas will probably be renamed in his honor. They're even building a NEW STADIUM, FFS..... not for the relocated NFL franchise, which is just a flimsy excuse and what Vegas would want you to believe. It's gonna be a shrine for The Anointed One.

In what galaxy, pray tell..... is Canelo even f*cking remotely close to being underrated?? Is this just another language difference between your part of the world and this one?

Dude..... I've read some doozies in my 15 years here. But this one tops them all. Canelo is not just underrated. He's MASSIVELY underrated.

Do me a favor. Be available for my next party, so I can use you for comedy. If things get slow, you can tell everyone what you just said about Canelo being "massively" underrated. I promise you, you'll have them rolling in the aisles till sunup.

The King of Boxing, who has his own boxing dates..... his own belts (which the WBC lovingly crafts for him)..... his own judges (he pays good money for them)..... and his legions of screaming female (or effeminate) fans...... is....... how'd you put it?



All of a sudden I have an urge to take a huge dump.