Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
TIC what you have repeatedly been doing is lying.

You claim to be trying to tell us all the difference between knowing and believing and yet when asked what that is, you fail to articulate it clearly.

What experience have you had of isolating a virus and testing it in a lab?
Do you accept the fact that there are thousands in fact probably millions of people in the world whose expertise in this field far exceeds our own?

And again why do you not accept the long accepted scientific method of asking a question

How is covid transmitted?

Then you researching that question.
Looking at existing virus transmission and creating the hypothesis that like the flu, covid is passed by droplets.

You then test this hypothesis and find out that actually that doesn't seem to be completely born out by the experiments and data, and that actually it seems the new covid virus is dangerous when both aerosols and droplets containing large amounts of the live virus are present in the air.

That is why superspreader events occur and why masks are useful in slowing the chances of them occuring.

What you are asking everyone to do is to ignore the scientific method and trust faith and believe in you or themselves and other people with no expertise, ignoring science, experiments, data, real world experience and knowledge.
the difference between knowing & believing is that everyone knows a claim to be true & can test the claim themselves & prove it true. like reducing the temperature of water to turn it into ice. so called experts are not your seven times larry. you & i are talking remember. what others have allegedly done is not what you have done, it is just you putting your faith in what others have told you. i am asking you directly larry, what scientific method did you use to isolate convid?
You have already claimed medical expertise is a fallacy so you would not accept any evidence presented to you. Reducing the temperature of water to change its state requires none of the expertise or equipment needed to isolate the covid virus for testing.

Even if I did aquire the expertise and then went in person to a suitable lab and tested my own sample you would not accept that anyway. It would still be according to your criteria an example of you not knowing something but rather just believing something.

The virus has been repeatedly isolated outside of the body and because of that PCR tests are very, very accurate.

You not being able to understand basic science is proof of nothing but your own very visible intellectual limits.

You don't even understand that knowing and believing in philosophical terms are often just abstractions meaning the same thing. Beliefs can be maps of reality that observations and testing can prove to be true. That is literally how the scientific method works.

You hijacking this thread as though you were the arbiter of everyone's reality is an example of a false belief in your own relevance.

You have asserted something without any evidence and so therefore your claim can be dismissed. In fact your claim is so extraordinary it requires extraordinary evidence and you have presented nothing but your own illogical fairy tale like belief system.

You not believing in experts is very telling. No wonder you come across like a frightened child.