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Thread: The Brexit Thread

  1. #601
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: The Brexit Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Master View Post
    The Labour position is fair and sensible compared to Liberal Democrats who now may just ignore the referendum result and remain in EU without another referendum. There is nothing democratic about that position.
    Gandalf doesn't care about reason or truth. Look how low he will go in order to like EL Kabong never admit to being so easily duped. It is just outright lies now. They don't read anything anyone else posts or watch anything either. They are in some kind of new alt right bubble that is quite clear.

    You have a coup by an extreme group of disaster capitalist who have used The Mail, The Sun and the Telegraph constantly spreading lies and disinformation with Nigel Farrage, William Hague and Boris Johnson actually writing the articles and they then quote them back at people as though it is evidence? The has never been anyone more reliant on mainstream media or supporting neo liberal politics than the pair of them.

    It is actually very sad in Gandalf's case to see a man who once was quite able and willing to challenge the mainstream narrative and the whole military industrial complex now come out in support of racist nationalists using people like Piers Morgan and Rees Mogg to try and justify scuppering a countries economy and infrastructure in the name of personal enrichment and tehn to paint Corbyn as an enemy for wanting to unite a very divided country and the sin of being a pragmatist.

    Gandalf and El Kabong are the worst kind of idealogues they would smash up anything just like ISIS would, destroying heritage that belongs to the world in order to have the final say. It is a political scouring , a scorched earth policy of burning the undesirables, the immigrant, the refugee, those on welfare including pensioners and the working poor to make room for their weird out of touch fantasy of a country that few living here would recognise.
    Oh the Liberal Democrats are being downright treasonous....bringing in Guy Verhofstadt? Yikes.

    Duped? By what....there was a referendum and the people voted Brexit. So Brexit had best be delivered. Where do you take issue with these simple, plain as day, FACTS?

    "You have a coup"....The Brexit referendum was voted on and not only by the English Beanz. That vote needs to be respected or else the democratic action of the people voting means nothing and then what are you left with?

    Oh you're worried about the economy of a nation rather than their sovereignty or rule of law. I guess that would mean Zimbabwe really fucked up by leaving the British Empire, I guess they should become Southern Rhodesia again as it would suit them better economically....and I mean right to self determination as their own independent nation state be damned, it's all about the economy right....right?

    Oh so now I get compared to ISIS, wonderful I'll add it to the list.

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Nobody is saying that we should ape Germany or France. Germany has a terrible wealth inequality problem and you only have to look at the golden desks of those in power in France to see that they too do not represent the people they claim to. I don't go out and drink Coffee for fucks sake this is England we drink Tea just like Ireland. Fucking hell man they do not even try and hide the lets make the UK the USA's 51st state stuff anymore. I am worried about my Mrs not having her epilepsy medication, worried about my family having to jump through so many hoops to travel and work in Europe with their families. Worried about the lack of contingency planning that will mean the exchange programs between universities and arts organisations in Britain and the UK will wither and die, businesses will fold, and we will become isolationist and inward looking like El Gand Bong, our lives one long existential howl about how we don't want to eat foreign vegetables and how awful music with a bassline is.

    Let us just leave like adults and not have spoilt cunts from Eaton pulling out without warning just like their Dads should have done years ago
    Well in the EU you'll be more like them rather than less like them, just the way things happen once an EMPIRE (and Guy Verhofstadt calls for the EU to be an know like the other European leaders who wanted a European Empire ) annexes a geopolitical area. They're already telling you about your secession and how it won't be accepted all easy peasy, they're dictating terms to you and that's the part which irks many a Brit and non-Brit alike, but with you it seems you agree with the Europeans on this. That isn't surprising to me in the least. Government cannot do enough for you and whatever they do, whatever rights they need to take away you'll be more than happy to oblige, not only for yourself but for everyone else as well. It's all a matter of convenience for you, rights be damned and you're just the kind of person the EU is counting on.

    Who is saying make the UK America's 51st state? Certainly not I. I'm just of the belief that the voting public in Britain should have their voices heard. Yes I wanted Brexit because I don't want Britain watered down with a bunch of European bullshit, France and Germany have been your rivals for centuries, you think all of a sudden that will change or they will view you differently? Right now just due to Brexit alone they're already viewing you as an economic threat!

    Merkel warns of danger to EU of Singapore-style UK on its border

    But hey, I don't have a vote over there I can only empathize with people who have made a decision and the powers that be not accepting the will of the people....but you side with the powers that be and not your own countrymen.

  2. #602
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    Default Re: The Brexit Thread

    This is kind of language El Kabong and Gandalf are using. No different. Do not be duped by these two non Brits demanding that they get to decide who Britains enemies and friends are. Amazing that El Kabong the cunt, cannot even see the fucking stupidity of him in America with his feet up on the desk in the call centre ripping his boss off by posting here when he should be working, dictating who are our rivals, as though he owns us.

    and then pretends he is on the side of the people?
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    Last edited by Beanz; 09-16-2019 at 03:14 PM.
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    "I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it."

  3. #603
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: The Brexit Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post

    Yeah I can't read that small shit

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    This is kind of language El Kabong and Gandalf are using. No different. Do not be duped by these two non Brits demanding that they get to decide who Britains enemies and friends are. Amazing that El Kabong the cunt, cannot even see the fucking stupidity of him in America with his feet up on the desk in the call centre ripping his boss off by posting here when he should be working, dictating who are our rivals, as though he owns us.

    and then pretends he is on the side of the people?
    Yeah by all means police my language . Who are you even talking to by the way? You're either extremely insecure of the political beliefs of your countrymen or you've had a malfunction in your robot brain. Neither Gandalf or myself have much of an impact at all in regards to British politics, however as individuals we do hold the right to speak our minds whether you agree or disagree with what we have to say is quite beyond the point.

    Yes I work at the ISIS Call Center and handle the Nazi division here, we're the ISIS Telefonabteilung if anyone was wondering and it's nothing but trustafarians who work here. Really dude?

    Pretends? I AM on the side of the people, I'm on the side of those who voted for Brexit, the side of the referendum which WON. Why are you seeking to subvert a democratically voted on referendum? What benefit would you get out of it? Why do you hate Brexit?

  4. #604
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    Default Re: The Brexit Thread

    You don't speak your mind though you just repeat what the MSM and disaster capitalists tell you both to. I could respect it if it was either of your opinions but it clearly is not in any way shape or form. You keep insisting that i am trying to subvert a referendum, to frustrate Brexit and you are now even insisting that you are on the side of the people who voted Brexit?

    What a load of bullshit. The Tories called the referendum, they are still in power, they fucked up by not preparing and by being as ignorant and identity politics driven as you. They are why Brexit has not happend. Boris swapped sides in order to gain power not to serve.

    I live in a city twinned with Brest in France. My future father in law is there now living for a few months like he does every year. Ferries full of cars sail from here to there EVERY DAY. Our streets and roads and areas in the city are called Place de Brest, Bretonside etc because we have for centruries shared fishing grounds, culture , language, food, music , folk traditions with Brittanny . Fucking hell man keep up. And yet here you are telling me that no the French are my rivals and that the school friends I went to school with who live there are now my enemies, because you have decided that for me because ...Brexit..rabble,rabble,rabble. You are a class A plum.

    And now you have declared Germany to also be our rivals. Does that include my flesh and blood or just in the football? I don't suppose you have even ever been to the UK or know a thing about the people who live here but you will not learn much from listening to idiot ex pats like PJW and fucking Milo fffs.

    One of my brothers was born in Yorkshire. God's own fucking country so he tells me,..all the fucking time. Gandalf was born there too I think...never mentions it. And yet he is supposed to be Mr UK? He is not even Mr Gay UK. On the side of the people ? like you he is on the side of those people who agree with him . Apparently more than half the UK can fuck off if they do not agree with you two and your idea that smashing up the UK economy to win a bet is worth it to line the pockets of a corrupt government.

    You are both enemies of the people. You are on the side of Privilege

    Privilege - literally 'Private Law'. That is why Boris thinks nothing of breaking the law and why neither of you give a fuck about Parliament really it is one law for you and the cunts who have you like puppets on a string and one for everyone else. It is not his law or law for the likes of him and his feudal bastard family. It is why his Dad can say 'Let the Irish kill each other' It is why Zimmerman shooting an unarmed teenager is acceptable for you. It is why neither of you even flinched when Brock suggested gunning down civilians. You both think you are special cases. You are not on the side of the people. You are not on the side of anyone but rich bankers and corrupt swamp filling neo liberal globalists and always have been.
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    "I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it."

  5. #605
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    Default Re: The Brexit Thread

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    "I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it."

  6. #606
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: The Brexit Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    You don't speak your mind though you just repeat what the MSM and disaster capitalists tell you both to. I could respect it if it was either of your opinions but it clearly is not in any way shape or form. You keep insisting that i am trying to subvert a referendum, to frustrate Brexit and you are now even insisting that you are on the side of the people who voted Brexit?
    Respect? You have never shown me anything close to it.

    I AM on the side of the people who voted for Brexit. Don't tell me you're trying to claim that position now.

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    What a load of bullshit. The Tories called the referendum, they are still in power, they fucked up by not preparing and by being as ignorant and identity politics driven as you. They are why Brexit has not happend. Boris swapped sides in order to gain power not to serve.
    There are PLENTY of Tories, PLENTY who were Remain and you see them now fleeing a ship they've attempted to sink in Boris Johnson's government....even his own brother sold him out

    The Tories or rather Establishment Tories, people like Brown or May (or I'd even dare say Boris) called the referendum thinking that the establishment politicians on both sides of the aisle hold enough power, they run the media, they could browbeat the populace into submission to the EU Empire (and I don't willy nilly call it that, that's what the EU is to be) and they were laughably wrong.

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    I live in a city twinned with Brest in France. My future father in law is there now living for a few months like he does every year. Ferries full of cars sail from here to there EVERY DAY. Our streets and roads and areas in the city are called Place de Brest, Bretonside etc because we have for centruries shared fishing grounds, culture , language, food, music , folk traditions with Brittanny . Fucking hell man keep up. And yet here you are telling me that no the French are my rivals and that the school friends I went to school with who live there are now my enemies, because you have decided that for me because ...Brexit..rabble,rabble,rabble. You are a class A plum.

    And now you have declared Germany to also be our rivals. Does that include my flesh and blood or just in the football? I don't suppose you have even ever been to the UK or know a thing about the people who live here but you will not learn much from listening to idiot ex pats like PJW and fucking Milo fffs.

    One of my brothers was born in Yorkshire. God's own fucking country so he tells me,..all the fucking time. Gandalf was born there too I think...never mentions it. And yet he is supposed to be Mr UK? He is not even Mr Gay UK. On the side of the people ? like you he is on the side of those people who agree with him . Apparently more than half the UK can fuck off if they do not agree with you two and your idea that smashing up the UK economy to win a bet is worth it to line the pockets of a corrupt government.
    Yeah "shared"'s why French vessels are allowed a larger catch and more places in British waters to fish than vice versa.

    I'm certain all of your individual lived experiences with relatives trump centuries old hostilities between England, France, and Germany. I mean who remembers World War II when Beanz and his family is living proof of the friendship between the nations. Who remembers De Gaulle trying to exclude the UK from European affairs....Beanz's future father in-law is part time living in France and going to have a surgery can World Peace be too far away?!?!?!?

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    You are both enemies of the people. You are on the side of Privilege

    Privilege - literally 'Private Law'. That is why Boris thinks nothing of breaking the law and why neither of you give a fuck about Parliament really it is one law for you and the cunts who have you like puppets on a string and one for everyone else. It is not his law or law for the likes of him and his feudal bastard family. It is why his Dad can say 'Let the Irish kill each other' It is why Zimmerman shooting an unarmed teenager is acceptable for you. It is why neither of you even flinched when Brock suggested gunning down civilians. You both think you are special cases. You are not on the side of the people. You are not on the side of anyone but rich bankers and corrupt swamp filling neo liberal globalists and always have been.
    I'm an enemy of the people too? Impressive I really do rack up some accomplishments in your empty little brain don't I?

    What side of 'The Troubles' were you on dearheart?

    Zimmerman acted in self defense. Would Trayvon killing Zimmerman with his fists have been a better result in your eyes?

    Also 1. What the fuck is a "neo liberal" and 2. How am I a globalist? ....questions I want answers to, but I'm sure all I'll get is more personal attacks and know, "respect"

    Also take a gander everyone...

    EMPIRES....EUROPEAN ARMY..... ....but I'm sorry, you were saying?

  7. #607
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    Default Re: The Brexit Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Disaster capitalism is not in the interests of ordinary working people

    From the financial data publicly available, Byline Times can reveal that currently £4,563,350,000 (£4.6 billion) of aggregate short positions on a ‘no deal’ Brexit have been taken out by hedge funds that directly or indirectly bankrolled Boris Johnson’s leadership campaign.
    Most of these firms also donated to Vote Leave and took out short positions on the EU Referendum result. The ones which didn’t typically didn’t exist at that time but are invariably connected via directorships to companies that did.
    Another £3,711,000,000 (£3.7 billion) of these short positions have been taken out by firms that donated to the Vote Leave campaign, but did not donate directly to the Johnson leadership campaign.
    Currently, £8,274,350,000 (£8.3 billion) of aggregate short positions has been taken out by hedge funds connected to the Prime Minister and his Vote Leave campaign, run by his advisor Dominic Cummings, on a ‘no deal’ Brexit.

    Vote Leave Backers who Made Billions from Brexit

    Peter Jukes

    Does this £8 billion bet explain why the Prime Minister has said that he would rather “die in a ditch” before asking the EU for an extension? Is it the reason why Johnson is willing to defy the Benn Act that stops a ‘no deal’ Brexit? Is the £8 billion any kind of motivation to prorogue Parliament?
    Under the Ministerial Code, Government ministers must have “no actual or perceived conflicts of interest”. But what could be a bigger conflict of interest than those bankrolling the Prime Minister also having a vast financial interest in a catastrophe for Britain?
    It honestly doesn't explain anything. There's probably just as much money bet by similar firms the other way. The people on the other side of those eight billion short trades know just as much about how this might play out as the people making them. And eight billion is really not a lot of money believe it or not. On the amount of money being bet one way or the other over stocks, bonds, currency and various derivatives trades it's a drop in the bucket. Also, too, the tax evasion laws. There are endless ways to avoid taxes even when those laws come in. It's not that either.

    What it is -- and it's nothing to do with Boris, he's just a ruthlessly ambitious cunt who campaigned for leave without expecting to win but expecting it to boost his chance sof becoming prime minister -- is that we have a bunch of free market nationalistic morons who believe that Britain can somehow become Singapore if we leave the EU. They want to scrap the NHS and most of the benefits system and have a low regulation low wage trickle down economy despite the evidence from every major economy over the last forty years that this is a disastrous idea. That's what we're heading towards too because we have a fundamentally thick electorate who are now motivated by nationalism more than anything else. When this results in a gigantic recession they'll use the massive budget problems to start chopping away at the NHS and the rest of the welfare state and just amp up the nationalism and racism when things get worse to help them stay in power. Things haven't even started to get bad yet but it won't be long now.

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    Default Re: The Brexit Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    And then any deal would have to be ratified by every EU parliament.
    MMMMMMMMM.... do I smell Democracy?
    I'm not sure what you smell Lyle. You've got no idea what you're on about though. As usual you're just parroting whatever is on Fox News and conservative media. What I'm discussing here is an economic and trade deal involving hundreds of billions of dollars between a bunch of democratic nations.

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    You are and always have been on the side of the mainstream establishment media. You always have been El Kabong. Not once in the entire history of your posting here at Saddo have you voiced even one individual thought. You do what Rupert Murdoch asks you to. You literally ignore any inconvenient truth in order to cling to the identity politics that define your sorry history of posting here.

    Murdoch once said that when he went to Downing street they did what he said and when he went to Europe they take no notice. That is why you are so pro Brexit. It is all about deregulation, the erosion of human rights, the destruction of the environment in the name of arrogant self interest. It has absolutely nothing to do with being on the side of the people. You could never give a shit about Britain, in fact your embarrassing and clueless version of the UK bears very little resemblance to reality because you are a childish fantasist. You claim to hate Hollywood and yet I have never met a person who finds the time to watch so many films. You will never grow up because you refuse to listen, you refuse to debate, you refuse even to argue. You claim that I am mental, dangerous, not English, Not white enough, Not one of the people, not a proper Christian, not representative of anyone but the wrong kind of people, anything in order to stick your fingers in your ears and go back to the Murdoch script.

    You get furious when people are not as negative as you , when people don't share your prejudices. Look at your self demanding that Britain should nurture an enmity against the Germans over WW2. You hate it that people are no so one dimensional and bitter and simplistic as you. That is an incredibly fucked up way to live your life. You talk about things you have NO experience of as though you are a world authority and you know Jack Shit about most of the things you choose to opine on. You think that some abstract 'feelings' you have should trump the actual lived experience of people and inconvenient things like facts.

    Britain when we finally leave the EU will lose billions of pounds. Sterling already falling will plummet. That is not an abstract thing for me. That means everything myself and my family have worked hard for will be worth less. To you it is all just a game because you don't have a dog in the fight. It really comes to something when i am told worrying about my Mrs dying on me is just being selfish and yet here you are still ripping the piss out of the entire situation like a kid smashing down something a group has built together out of some kind of jealous spitefulness. What difference does it make to you with your arsehole of a President that will fuck the UK over given half a chance.

    The Tories who refused to back Boris were sacked. They did not flee anything. Boris is a serial liar and you have always backed serial liars. Look at the way you tout Trump as a role model. Why should anyone respect you after years of that? You made yourself a joke, nobody forced that on you. You have come down firmly on the side of censorship and the abandoning of any law you see as not applying to you, just like the cunts in the British Cabinet. Like them your allegiances are with a corrupt Israel, Saudi Arabia, Murdoch, huge corporations etc and not America or the UK or the British or American people.

    You are a neo liberal globalist to the core just like Donald and Rupert. You like the No Deal Brexiteers back Austerity and deregulation, the avoidance of personal responsibility like paying your taxes. The stealing of community resources through privatization and the rush to globalize the world and force everyone to model themselves on what you think is a dominant culture despite being less than 500 years old and being responsible for more wars and environmental and cultural damage than any Empire in history. The dangerous Empire is yours and so of course you see any effort to call it to account as a threat.
    Last edited by Beanz; 09-16-2019 at 10:01 PM.
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  10. #610
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    Default Re: The Brexit Thread

    All I have put forward is the notion that it is better to decentralize systems of power rather than concentrate them. I do not think you voted for Brexit based on medicine for your wife at all though, Beanz. You voted for it because you believe, and of course belief means buying into a cult, that something greater should be running your country, something greater than Parliament in fact. I happen to think that is awful. I don't hate Europeans or anyone, but we are very different and that should be respected. It is about British people first and if they want to not be part of an Empire that alters its communities and dictates its laws then you should have the decency to respect that.

    If you were to ask East Asians if they would like an open border superstate they would consider you a nutter and rightly so. It can ONLY lead to problems as Greece saw when it could not control its currency, as southern Europe knows with record youth unemployment, as many cities of Europe now know with no go zones. Of course the Thai and Vietnamese would flood in and the rich would love it! However, it would be treason, so when you call me dangerous I do wonder as my views are quite straightforward and how things have been done for much of our history and that of others too. Some nations such as here and Eastern Europe also remember occupation and it generally leads to unrest and resentment. That is what Brexit was.

    A nation state on its singular terms is the only way to regulate and protect the people in a country and for the people in turn to hold the state to account and history tells us this happened again and again and again.

    As for the medicine nonsense. Do you not recall what you were being told if people even voted for Brexit? The sky did not fall and frankly beyond a short term economic hit the UK will be fine. Europe will be hit too though and a message hammered home.

    There is more to life than money and that is the only argument remainers have. If you are worried about meds then stock up, but I think you are being hyperbolic and listening to too much propaganda. As for Kirks arguments about the welfare state and NHS. Well, that is hardly helped by unskilled migrants, lazy locals, health tourists and unhealthy locals. It costs a lot to treat preventable diabetes amongst others. The NHS was brought in at a time when people simply did not live so long too. Some of the welfare state likely does need an overhaul.

    At the end of the day if the Tories screw up then people can vote Labour or something new, but the EU is a trading partner and nothing more beyond that. The sooner people get over their grief and denial the better. Nobody voted to join an Empire and the people voted to leave. That it still has not happened is ridiculous.

    And as for your family, Beanz, then nothing is stopping them carrying on as normal. I can go and live in a country as long as I can afford it and you can typically extend your visa for a cost. If you are working then you work on a visa. Is that such a big deal? Honestly, the histrionics are so silly.

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    Is the forum acting silly tonight I’m having difficulties getting on.

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    It is very slow and cutting out. @Saddo help
    Do not let success go to your head and do not let failure get to your heart.

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    Default Re: The Brexit Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Master View Post
    It is very slow and cutting out. @Saddo help
    Yes and beaner and miles were going at it good.

  14. #614
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    Default Re: The Brexit Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Master View Post
    It is very slow and cutting out. @Saddo help
    Yes and beaner and miles were going at it good.
    Well you know what they say, “every cloud has a silver lining”
    Do not let success go to your head and do not let failure get to your heart.

  15. #615
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    Default Re: The Brexit Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    All I have put forward is the notion that it is better to decentralize systems of power rather than concentrate them. I do not think you voted for Brexit based on medicine for your wife at all though, Beanz. You voted for it because you believe, and of course belief means buying into a cult, that something greater should be running your country, something greater than Parliament in fact. I happen to think that is awful. I don't hate Europeans or anyone, but we are very different and that should be respected. It is about British people first and if they want to not be part of an Empire that alters its communities and dictates its laws then you should have the decency to respect that.

    If you were to ask East Asians if they would like an open border superstate they would consider you a nutter and rightly so. It can ONLY lead to problems as Greece saw when it could not control its currency, as southern Europe knows with record youth unemployment, as many cities of Europe now know with no go zones. Of course the Thai and Vietnamese would flood in and the rich would love it! However, it would be treason, so when you call me dangerous I do wonder as my views are quite straightforward and how things have been done for much of our history and that of others too. Some nations such as here and Eastern Europe also remember occupation and it generally leads to unrest and resentment. That is what Brexit was.

    A nation state on its singular terms is the only way to regulate and protect the people in a country and for the people in turn to hold the state to account and history tells us this happened again and again and again.

    As for the medicine nonsense. Do you not recall what you were being told if people even voted for Brexit? The sky did not fall and frankly beyond a short term economic hit the UK will be fine. Europe will be hit too though and a message hammered home.

    There is more to life than money and that is the only argument remainers have. If you are worried about meds then stock up, but I think you are being hyperbolic and listening to too much propaganda. As for Kirks arguments about the welfare state and NHS. Well, that is hardly helped by unskilled migrants, lazy locals, health tourists and unhealthy locals. It costs a lot to treat preventable diabetes amongst others. The NHS was brought in at a time when people simply did not live so long too. Some of the welfare state likely does need an overhaul.

    At the end of the day if the Tories screw up then people can vote Labour or something new, but the EU is a trading partner and nothing more beyond that. The sooner people get over their grief and denial the better. Nobody voted to join an Empire and the people voted to leave. That it still has not happened is ridiculous.

    And as for your family, Beanz, then nothing is stopping them carrying on as normal. I can go and live in a country as long as I can afford it and you can typically extend your visa for a cost. If you are working then you work on a visa. Is that such a big deal? Honestly, the histrionics are so silly.

    All you have put forward is the Murdoch script you have been conditioned to repeat from. It is instructive that the most vocal persons in this thread are two people who do not live in either this century or the UK. The Empire has gone and Britain would really benefit from severing it's ties with America and Saudi etc rather than pretending that we are somehow incapable of holding constructive talks with people on our doorstep. You seem to want the word to descend into Mugabe style one party states with enforced eugenics and the replacement in the UK of the Full English Breakfast with a fucking McMuffin and a side order of Covfefe.

    Read the opening post in this thread and then see how you have spent the last 41 pages sticking up for the Tories, Murdoch, The Barclay Brothers, cunts like Piers Morgan who hacks dead children's phones, Boris , Mogg, a bunch of Insurance salesmen, Bankers, city traders, and Russian Oligarchs.

    The very people who have used the same neo liberal policies you subscribe to as a weapon to attack the British people with and bring them to their knees. Admit it . You wish you had gone to Eaton, you love the right wing press and have always hated the common working man and the immigrant as you see both as clearly being beneath you. You say it every day in as many words. Every immigrant but you on earth is unskilled in your eyes. You believe in 'Private Law' , drunk on your own privilege you cannot understand why other people are not exactly like you.

    You are arguing for the removal of any financial regulation and no tax to be paid by the elite. You are firmly on the side of climate change deniers, globalists and organised religion. You sold out wholesale.
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    "I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it."

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