Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
Yes you are a bitter old piss stained ex pat Gandalf. You are all so self obsessed you think you have the power to make people angry You think Denilson is angry , El Kabong thinks Kirkland is angry , Tittyfan thinks everyone is angry, Walrus the shit stirring back stabber thinks anyone who points out what a lame cunt he is is angry. You are a sad bunch of moaning fishwives who never have a break for real life. It is mental. I have been planning and paying for a wedding and am recovering from an injury and am about to go on holiday. I am about as far from angry as it is possible to be, but still you are all convinced anyone not blowing smoke up your arse or being willing to put up with your backstabbing , two faced cuntishness and general racism and bigotry, must be angry. Why? at you lot? Fucking hell you need to get out more.

None of you are willing to debate anything. You think everyone should be like you, and if they offer a different opinion, outlook or experience, you gang up on them and conspire to have them banned. You are all responsible for the banning of Brock even though Walrus was the enabler. You are censor mad. Look at El Kabong insisting i should go and live in anther country the fucking bigot because he thinks he has some kind of authority to be the thought Police the commie bastard. It is laughable. He would fuck over the entire USA if it meant he thought he won the internet and yet he can't even respect freedom of speech. Even in another country he thinks that someone living there posting a piece of art on an internet forum should have them deported. That is the kind of deranged flesh eating lunacy you are all endorsing every time you refuse to call each other out on your bullshit. You are a bunch of foppish fantasists living in a dream world and you ALL refuse to speak to the forum or anyone but each other.

And yet now even though you are all in the same cell yelling at the walls you can't see it.

Wally thinks he hasn't done a thing

I know nobody of any authority here will come out and say it..... but things sure were quiet around here while you were out on vacation or whatever it is you were doing.

Also.... am I reading right? Are you carrying the torch for "poor old Brock" now? The same Brock you insulted to within an inch of his life, and pleaded with the mods to ban? That Brock??

Damn. No sooner do you come back than you start throwing around your "non-angry" spittle again.

Grouping people together..... speaking for others..... making broad declarations......

You get called out for singling out Freedom, but you don't say shit about Denilson..... and yet it's everyone ELSE who is twisted?

Shit man. WTF is up with you?
I haven't posted for weeks and yet you still had to have a dig at me in my absence so don't pretend to be all sweetness and light. You ain't good people. Freedom is a cunt and Denilson for all his flaws is not. He makes you all uncomfortable because you don't like to be challenged. Intellectually, morally, philosophically, politically..it is all too much for 'You Guys'.

Freedom is there claiming black people never invented anything , that their women are ugly, that Jesus was white, etc and not one of you have the full grown bollocks to call him out on it. You are supposed to be men. You are a bunch of wimps.