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Thread: Today in Trump

  1. #3091
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Spicoli View Post
    Have to say that whole Barr 'bomb shell' really looks like just a massive distract and distort job. One minute he says it..then he back peddles right after it and says "I wasn't saying there was spying' etc. Um yeah ya were fella . No evidence, no details just some stammering rehashed talking point to chum the waters with conspiracy jibber jabber and make Potus high five himself. Very shady swerve I believe.
    Back peddles Where do you get that? He's saying it DEFINITELY occurred the question remains over if it was predicted or not ergo he's going to have to investigate. Huber and Horowitz and their investigations might have a say about that.

    The Democrats are calling for Barr to walk his statements back. It's almost like they are disappointed Trump did NOT collude. Odd.

    I'm enjoying it.

    Now that Assange has been arrested I wonder what happens to him. I hope he testifies in front of Congress and he's kept safe and can lead a normal life after.
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Bilbo View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Yeah Assange is quite full of himself, he'll get his though.
    He makes Tony Blair look humble.
    Imagine my shock when that fat worthless sack of shit Michael Moore said he would pay for part of Assange's bail. There's not enough bullets for those two bastards.
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by miles View Post

    That is all I have to contribute to this thread.
    You celebrate what this guy does and why? Because it makes America look bad and to you that is apparently something that vindicates your feelings all along. Well I'm not going to tell you how to feel about America, perhaps my view on politics is a bit too Machiavellian for you, but I live in the real world and shit happens and it's better that it happens to other people in other countries than to America.

    Assange doesn't care, he just likes being the center of attention, he has no ties to one place or another, he just wants to wield what little power he has, make his money, and be a cult hero.....I don't see it ending well for him though.
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by miles View Post
    How do you know so much about the personality of Assange? Perhaps you are right, but at the same time perhaps you are way off base. I would avoid such assertions as they are irrelevant and avoid the facts. And the facts that matter are what Wikileaks tells us about the abuse of power.

    You say I 'celebrate' Assange. I don't think I do. I make no pretence at knowing who he is, but like Chomsky and your friend Michael Moore, he is not afraid to release facts that show the extent of the corruption that is so blatantly apparent in your country. If the facts didn't exist then there would be nothing to reveal. It is the secrecy and lies that kill people, not the release of facts about the powers that be that commit such acts.

    Sure, you live in the real world and the real world of your politics is savage and unjust. It isn't the real world of a lot of other far more civilised nations. I would much rather America keep its own savagery within its own borders and leave the rest of the world alone. Maybe then you wouldn't need to be so concerned about an organisation like Wikileaks.
    #1 Let's just say I know of the type of people who would do what Assange does....I do not think highly of them and I am certain that he has nefarious motives

    #2 Well first off Michael Moore is what you accuse Fox News of being, he's a liar and he twists and manipulates the truth until it fits his contorted derranged idea of truth. Chomsky is just a fucking nutjob liberal. So yeah I expect you to hold Assange in the same regard as those guys because you buy what they are selling, that's fine that's a personal choice do as you like.

    #3 The US could be a lot more savage...compared to many other nations we're tame and I think we do what we do just to survive and protect our citizens and our standing in the world.

    #4 There are weapons that can destroy all the human life on earth...we're bound with other countries in what is at times a very shakey peace, I fail to see how releasing secrets which may hurt us but definently won't help us makes the world a better safer place that impractical? Is that jumping to conclusions? and does releasing secrets knowing and understanding what I have just mentioned seem like something that will help the world become a better place? I'm trying to place my line of logic in your hands miles....I'm saying Assange COULD release cables that endanger not only America but the entire world we're talking nuclear apocalypse. How does he know that what he releases won't cause any friction between the US and China or Russia or North Korea or Iran etc. As World War I taught us, all it takes is for 2 countries to decide to duke it out and then bang it's World War 3 and it will be a doozy
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    I heard somebody hacked into Assange's email and apparently the guy is a sexual deviant...apparently he stalked that 19 year old girl he raped. Of course I haven't seen any of those emails, but I'll check on them.
    Well they weren't emails to the girl he allegedly raped, but they were to a 19 year old girl and ....well apparently we've found a guy creepier than Clubber.
    I'm man enough to admit I misjudged Assange.

    I hear you don't think we have an issue @Beanz .....I find that very curious

  2. #3092
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    I look forward to the whole "Don't @ me" post. I look forward to him never answering a question asked of him. I look forward to certain Mods being at his beck and call....why not skip the middle man and appoint him Mod already? I look forward to being accused of the most hateful things by him. I look forward to all that typical bullshit he pulls every fucking time he targets a poster happening all over again and then him pulling a "Who me? What Happened?"....never gets old.

    And I know for certain that if by some crazy stroke of luck Beanz were banned.....he'd just come back with an alt and FUCKING NOTHING would happen to him because of that. Honestly amazing. Gives one pause about paying any attention at all to the mods, but hey I don't pull that shit, if i get banned I get banned, but I guess not all posters are made equal.
    Last edited by El Kabong; 04-13-2019 at 03:36 PM.

  3. #3093
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    ...anyway back on topic.

    Interesting that leaders of Sanctuary cities are angered that Trump planned to release illegal immigrants in their cities.....ummm but they are SANCTUARY cities, I thought that's what they wanted, do they NOT want Illegal Immigrants there?

    Funny how that works, and people have called Trump "cruel" for proposing the holy fuck is that cruel? They're sanctuary cities and those cities were welcoming to ALL people legal or illegal but I guess if Trump tries to help them fill up their cities it's not good....why is that?

  4. #3094
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    I think part of what upsets me about Assange is the ways the likes of the mainstream media have responded. Wikileaks has revealed so much more truth about power than any of them in recent years. They LIED and started wars! They lie and lie and lie.

    Like in the quoted post by some chap called miles, forget about the personality of Assange, it is more about the work and it was absolutely powerful, like that of Snowden too. You hear things like 'China wouldn't let this happen, they would be dead!' So, you want to be like China now just so you can cover up corruption and murder? Splendid! Let us be the mafia. Can you not just not invade countries for the sake of corporations and just be decent? Seemingly not.

    Assange is a hero and now I will get onto personality. It takes a special kind of mindset to be willing to put yourself on the line for something you believe in. Most would shy away, but Assange believed the public should know and of course they should. You don't do that lightly. Most would say 'Oh, but I am scared' or in Snowden's case 'The money is good doing what I do. Let's ignore it'.

    These are people that have an extra ounce of something, maybe even vanity in Assange's case, but that is speculation. I would call it integrity and the world is better for it.

    The response of someone like Clinton that he should be droned is a terrible one. Droned for what? Revealing the covering up of crimes, of massive corruption? People need to be killed because none of you are decent enough to do your jobs life normal human beings? Absolutely vile. That's the ironic thing about it. There are actual murderers and thieves out there and no penalties. Listen to clinton in the video above, but let's be real. Who would you say is a criminal in the true sense of the word and who would you say is an accomplished journalist responsibe for some of the most powerful work of our time? That is Julian Assange's real crime.

  5. #3095
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Julian Assange will bring information about the murder of Seth Rich
    The Mueller report says quite clearly and in full detail that the various thefts of DNC/Democratic/Clinton campaign electronic documents were carried out by the Russians and then disseminated via Wikileaks and other outlets.
    Awww that is precious. I wonder how you'll react to Assange's testimony if he says anything contrary to that narrative.

    Any statement on former White House Counsel Greg Craig being indicted?
    If you bet at least $100 I'll give you 10000 to 1 odds that I'm right and you're wrong and the Mueller report proves all the emails were hacked by Russia. And I'll pay the money directly to you. You can make a million dollars by betting a hundred if you really believe the Seth Rich thing. Of course you won't take the bet because you don't have the balls to put your money where your mouth is.

    Some GOP and Democratic lobbyists have been charged with not registering as foreign agents while lobbying for them. This guy is one of them.

  6. #3096
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    "He has to answer"? You couldn't make it up.
    I understand he's been charged with hacking into a United states top secret database. Or helping somebody do it. There's no protection under the law for that now, is there. It's not like he's simply publishing classified information which is not a crime. The FBI have evidence to show he hacked into something top secret. That's a crime right?

  7. #3097
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Just in from former FBI Director James 'Boy Scout' Comey "I've never thought of" electronic surveillance as "spying"


    It's all just more bullshit Lyle. They've got you yet again.

  8. #3098
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    President Trump last week privately urged Kevin McAleenan, the border enforcement official he was about to name as acting secretary of homeland security, to close the southwestern border to migrants despite having just said publicly that he was delaying a decision on the step for a year, according to three people briefed about the conversation.
    It was not clear what Mr. Trump meant by his request or his additional comment to Mr. McAleenan that he would pardon him if he encountered any legal problems as a result of taking the action.

    I'm sure you must be outraged at this Lyle as the rule of law is so sacred to you.

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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    "He has to answer"? You couldn't make it up.
    I understand he's been charged with hacking into a United states top secret database. Or helping somebody do it. There's no protection under the law for that now, is there. It's not like he's simply publishing classified information which is not a crime. The FBI have evidence to show he hacked into something top secret. That's a crime right?
    That is an allegation and is unproven at this point in time and you are dealing with networks of power that have a history of dishonesty and criminality. Interesting that you take the side of Hilary Clinton, who has a proven track record of utter devastation and criminality. All Assange has really done is embarrass the kinds of people that you appear to have endorsed over the years.

    If you are asking me whether I think trying to access data that proves government corruption is a crime. Well, I don't believe a government has the right to hide data or operate secretly. Anybody working in a government that is funded by the taxpayer or the buck passed onto the unborn is answerable to the public, so if the data is hidden, then I don't see an issue with it being sought and revealed if it is in the public interest.

    It boils down to what government is and why it exists. That has deviated so far from what it should be I would say yes, it could be deemed criminal, but government itself has become somewhat criminal. The Iraq war was a war crime and goes unpunished. It's a bit strange to punish someone that reveals illegality regarding an illegal act.

    You can bury a body after killing someone, but it would be a bit strange to criminalize someone who comes snooping around and digs up the body. You probably take drugs which would make you a criminal, but you are not wrong for doing it. It is all a matter of perspective.

    People break the law all the time. Oftentimes the law is there to be broken as it exists for reasons that are not in the interests of the public, they are about protecting those in charge and little more.

  10. #3100
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    There are many areas where 'law' has been broken, but morally so. The Pentagon Papers situation was one such example, as were the Snowden leaks. Sure it embarrassed those in power, but then again maybe they shouldn't be doing the things they do. Another example is with abortion which has been illegal here, but subversively done for moral reasons. Doctors have been readily breaking the law....what naughty people! Good people can and do break the law all the time. Technically you could say 'Well, that is illegal'. However, I look at it more from a standpoint of 'Are you doing something for the right reasons and are you hurting anybody else.....besides Clinton's ego?' I struggle to see how anything Assange has done has not been in the public interest. It's a strange ideology that there is the government and it works for only the government and its interests and then there is the populace which is a separate thing to be manipulated, lied to, and controlled by force. You see it all the time in the enforcement of law and the penalties given. The elite do not face penalties when they end up killing a million people either directly or indirectly, but you can end up potentially in prison for playing tricks with your pet dog. You can illegally enter a country and that is just fine, but you speak out against it you can end up facing hate crime legislation. Law is indeed law, but whether it is right or wrong is another question. You see with the fake hate crime chap that law simply does not apply to certain people, so why does it apply to others. It ends up being down to agenda and prejudice and that is no way to apply law.

  11. #3101
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    He wants to shut down the press yet he wants to use 'freedom of speech' to incite, inflame, and terrorise on platforms that actually prohibit such behavior. It's odd. He wants the cake and to eat it too.

    If you want to use the red/blue pill analogy of a postmodern hollwoody blockbuster made by two trannies then you would have to say that is the real red pill speaking. Not to dismiss the Republican bs and buy into the democratic equivalent but to recognize tribalism and swamp filling politicians/business tycoons on both sides for what they are.

    "Boy I love reading Wikileaks... A treasure trove"

    "I know nothing about Wikileaks it's not my thing" 2019

    Doesn't exonorate the Clinton's, that is to miss the point.

    90% of the posters here can see that and always have. Didnt need any fake pills fed to them by a fake alternative news source created to line the pockets of other greedy cake eaters to realise it either.
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    "I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it."

  12. #3102
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Spicoli View Post
    Have to say that whole Barr 'bomb shell' really looks like just a massive distract and distort job. One minute he says it..then he back peddles right after it and says "I wasn't saying there was spying' etc. Um yeah ya were fella . No evidence, no details just some stammering rehashed talking point to chum the waters with conspiracy jibber jabber and make Potus high five himself. Very shady swerve I believe.
    Back peddles Where do you get that? He's saying it DEFINITELY occurred the question remains over if it was predicted or not ergo he's going to have to investigate. Huber and Horowitz and their investigations might have a say about that.

    The Democrats are calling for Barr to walk his statements back. It's almost like they are disappointed Trump did NOT collude. Odd.

    I'm enjoying it.

    Now that Assange has been arrested I wonder what happens to him. I hope he testifies in front of Congress and he's kept safe and can lead a normal life after.
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Bilbo View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Yeah Assange is quite full of himself, he'll get his though.
    He makes Tony Blair look humble.
    Imagine my shock when that fat worthless sack of shit Michael Moore said he would pay for part of Assange's bail. There's not enough bullets for those two bastards.
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by miles View Post

    That is all I have to contribute to this thread.
    You celebrate what this guy does and why? Because it makes America look bad and to you that is apparently something that vindicates your feelings all along. Well I'm not going to tell you how to feel about America, perhaps my view on politics is a bit too Machiavellian for you, but I live in the real world and shit happens and it's better that it happens to other people in other countries than to America.

    Assange doesn't care, he just likes being the center of attention, he has no ties to one place or another, he just wants to wield what little power he has, make his money, and be a cult hero.....I don't see it ending well for him though.
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by miles View Post
    How do you know so much about the personality of Assange? Perhaps you are right, but at the same time perhaps you are way off base. I would avoid such assertions as they are irrelevant and avoid the facts. And the facts that matter are what Wikileaks tells us about the abuse of power.

    You say I 'celebrate' Assange. I don't think I do. I make no pretence at knowing who he is, but like Chomsky and your friend Michael Moore, he is not afraid to release facts that show the extent of the corruption that is so blatantly apparent in your country. If the facts didn't exist then there would be nothing to reveal. It is the secrecy and lies that kill people, not the release of facts about the powers that be that commit such acts.

    Sure, you live in the real world and the real world of your politics is savage and unjust. It isn't the real world of a lot of other far more civilised nations. I would much rather America keep its own savagery within its own borders and leave the rest of the world alone. Maybe then you wouldn't need to be so concerned about an organisation like Wikileaks.
    #1 Let's just say I know of the type of people who would do what Assange does....I do not think highly of them and I am certain that he has nefarious motives

    #2 Well first off Michael Moore is what you accuse Fox News of being, he's a liar and he twists and manipulates the truth until it fits his contorted derranged idea of truth. Chomsky is just a fucking nutjob liberal. So yeah I expect you to hold Assange in the same regard as those guys because you buy what they are selling, that's fine that's a personal choice do as you like.

    #3 The US could be a lot more savage...compared to many other nations we're tame and I think we do what we do just to survive and protect our citizens and our standing in the world.

    #4 There are weapons that can destroy all the human life on earth...we're bound with other countries in what is at times a very shakey peace, I fail to see how releasing secrets which may hurt us but definently won't help us makes the world a better safer place that impractical? Is that jumping to conclusions? and does releasing secrets knowing and understanding what I have just mentioned seem like something that will help the world become a better place? I'm trying to place my line of logic in your hands miles....I'm saying Assange COULD release cables that endanger not only America but the entire world we're talking nuclear apocalypse. How does he know that what he releases won't cause any friction between the US and China or Russia or North Korea or Iran etc. As World War I taught us, all it takes is for 2 countries to decide to duke it out and then bang it's World War 3 and it will be a doozy
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    I heard somebody hacked into Assange's email and apparently the guy is a sexual deviant...apparently he stalked that 19 year old girl he raped. Of course I haven't seen any of those emails, but I'll check on them.
    Well they weren't emails to the girl he allegedly raped, but they were to a 19 year old girl and ....well apparently we've found a guy creepier than Clubber.
    I'm man enough to admit I misjudged Assange.

    I hear you don't think we have an issue @Beanz .....I find that very curious
    I don't have an issue and it's not having a pop at you either. I don't think you misjudged Assange you just use the law and order argument as a convenience when it fits your agenda.

    No consistency, you just repeat stuff you read from loons that stroke your ears. It's not debate though.

    Its quite possible that while Assanges brave whistle blowing shone a light on dirty secrets he may well have some of his own. Good people do bad things just like bad people do good things.

    If you can drop this binary fake adversarial crap of Trump/Right good /Media /lefty bad then there is much common ground to discussed. Or you can just revert to the same old rubbish.

    Nice to see you back after your self imposed break. There is a whole forum out there. Fill your boots mate.
    Hidden Content

    "I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it."

  13. #3103
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Julian Assange will bring information about the murder of Seth Rich
    The Mueller report says quite clearly and in full detail that the various thefts of DNC/Democratic/Clinton campaign electronic documents were carried out by the Russians and then disseminated via Wikileaks and other outlets.
    Awww that is precious. I wonder how you'll react to Assange's testimony if he says anything contrary to that narrative.

    Any statement on former White House Counsel Greg Craig being indicted?
    If you bet at least $100 I'll give you 10000 to 1 odds that I'm right and you're wrong and the Mueller report proves all the emails were hacked by Russia. And I'll pay the money directly to you. You can make a million dollars by betting a hundred if you really believe the Seth Rich thing. Of course you won't take the bet because you don't have the balls to put your money where your mouth is.

    Some GOP and Democratic lobbyists have been charged with not registering as foreign agents while lobbying for them. This guy is one of them.
    I'd make the bet, but you don't have $1 million let alone $1 million to just give away so why should I bother? As tempting as it would be for me to be correct and you to be completely ruined.

  14. #3104
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Spicoli View Post
    Have to say that whole Barr 'bomb shell' really looks like just a massive distract and distort job. One minute he says it..then he back peddles right after it and says "I wasn't saying there was spying' etc. Um yeah ya were fella . No evidence, no details just some stammering rehashed talking point to chum the waters with conspiracy jibber jabber and make Potus high five himself. Very shady swerve I believe.
    Back peddles Where do you get that? He's saying it DEFINITELY occurred the question remains over if it was predicted or not ergo he's going to have to investigate. Huber and Horowitz and their investigations might have a say about that.

    The Democrats are calling for Barr to walk his statements back. It's almost like they are disappointed Trump did NOT collude. Odd.

    I'm enjoying it.

    Now that Assange has been arrested I wonder what happens to him. I hope he testifies in front of Congress and he's kept safe and can lead a normal life after.
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Bilbo View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Yeah Assange is quite full of himself, he'll get his though.
    He makes Tony Blair look humble.
    Imagine my shock when that fat worthless sack of shit Michael Moore said he would pay for part of Assange's bail. There's not enough bullets for those two bastards.
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by miles View Post

    That is all I have to contribute to this thread.
    You celebrate what this guy does and why? Because it makes America look bad and to you that is apparently something that vindicates your feelings all along. Well I'm not going to tell you how to feel about America, perhaps my view on politics is a bit too Machiavellian for you, but I live in the real world and shit happens and it's better that it happens to other people in other countries than to America.

    Assange doesn't care, he just likes being the center of attention, he has no ties to one place or another, he just wants to wield what little power he has, make his money, and be a cult hero.....I don't see it ending well for him though.
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by miles View Post
    How do you know so much about the personality of Assange? Perhaps you are right, but at the same time perhaps you are way off base. I would avoid such assertions as they are irrelevant and avoid the facts. And the facts that matter are what Wikileaks tells us about the abuse of power.

    You say I 'celebrate' Assange. I don't think I do. I make no pretence at knowing who he is, but like Chomsky and your friend Michael Moore, he is not afraid to release facts that show the extent of the corruption that is so blatantly apparent in your country. If the facts didn't exist then there would be nothing to reveal. It is the secrecy and lies that kill people, not the release of facts about the powers that be that commit such acts.

    Sure, you live in the real world and the real world of your politics is savage and unjust. It isn't the real world of a lot of other far more civilised nations. I would much rather America keep its own savagery within its own borders and leave the rest of the world alone. Maybe then you wouldn't need to be so concerned about an organisation like Wikileaks.
    #1 Let's just say I know of the type of people who would do what Assange does....I do not think highly of them and I am certain that he has nefarious motives

    #2 Well first off Michael Moore is what you accuse Fox News of being, he's a liar and he twists and manipulates the truth until it fits his contorted derranged idea of truth. Chomsky is just a fucking nutjob liberal. So yeah I expect you to hold Assange in the same regard as those guys because you buy what they are selling, that's fine that's a personal choice do as you like.

    #3 The US could be a lot more savage...compared to many other nations we're tame and I think we do what we do just to survive and protect our citizens and our standing in the world.

    #4 There are weapons that can destroy all the human life on earth...we're bound with other countries in what is at times a very shakey peace, I fail to see how releasing secrets which may hurt us but definently won't help us makes the world a better safer place that impractical? Is that jumping to conclusions? and does releasing secrets knowing and understanding what I have just mentioned seem like something that will help the world become a better place? I'm trying to place my line of logic in your hands miles....I'm saying Assange COULD release cables that endanger not only America but the entire world we're talking nuclear apocalypse. How does he know that what he releases won't cause any friction between the US and China or Russia or North Korea or Iran etc. As World War I taught us, all it takes is for 2 countries to decide to duke it out and then bang it's World War 3 and it will be a doozy
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    I heard somebody hacked into Assange's email and apparently the guy is a sexual deviant...apparently he stalked that 19 year old girl he raped. Of course I haven't seen any of those emails, but I'll check on them.
    Well they weren't emails to the girl he allegedly raped, but they were to a 19 year old girl and ....well apparently we've found a guy creepier than Clubber.
    I'm man enough to admit I misjudged Assange.

    I hear you don't think we have an issue @Beanz .....I find that very curious
    I don't have an issue and it's not having a pop at you either. I don't think you misjudged Assange you just use the law and order argument as a convenience when it fits your agenda.

    No consistency, you just repeat stuff you read from loons that stroke your ears. It's not debate though.

    Its quite possible that while Assanges brave whistle blowing shone a light on dirty secrets he may well have some of his own. Good people do bad things just like bad people do good things.

    If you can drop this binary fake adversarial crap of Trump/Right good /Media /lefty bad then there is much common ground to discussed. Or you can just revert to the same old rubbish.

    Nice to see you back after your self imposed break. There is a whole forum out there. Fill your boots mate.
    You seem to mistake me for someone who wants to converse with you.

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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Julian Assange will bring information about the murder of Seth Rich
    The Mueller report says quite clearly and in full detail that the various thefts of DNC/Democratic/Clinton campaign electronic documents were carried out by the Russians and then disseminated via Wikileaks and other outlets.
    Awww that is precious. I wonder how you'll react to Assange's testimony if he says anything contrary to that narrative.

    Any statement on former White House Counsel Greg Craig being indicted?
    If you bet at least $100 I'll give you 10000 to 1 odds that I'm right and you're wrong and the Mueller report proves all the emails were hacked by Russia. And I'll pay the money directly to you. You can make a million dollars by betting a hundred if you really believe the Seth Rich thing. Of course you won't take the bet because you don't have the balls to put your money where your mouth is.

    Some GOP and Democratic lobbyists have been charged with not registering as foreign agents while lobbying for them. This guy is one of them.
    I'd make the bet, but you don't have $1 million let alone $1 million to just give away so why should I bother? As tempting as it would be for me to be correct and you to be completely ruined.
    Lyle is right you must show proof of funds in order to wager. That’s how we do it here, put up or shut up. As a matter of fact let’s just say you won the 100 from Lyle. You would need to show the million before you collect or the whole thing would be a con
    Last edited by walrus; 04-15-2019 at 01:17 PM.

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