Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
Yes Lyle, it'll no longer exist because the USSC refused to allow the GOP to keep gerrymandering the entire state and a lower court has now drawn up entirely new state districts that mean the GOP no longer have a massive inbuilt advantage. In 2012 Democratic candidates won more votes statewide in PA House elections and Obama won the state. But Republicans won 13 seats and Democrats just won five. So in November Lamb will be running in a new district much more favourable to him and the Democrats will likely pick up a bunch of House seats elsewhere in PA. And it is a huge win Lyle. Even Trump turning up for a rally and imposing tariffs didn't stop the GOP losing. It portends the Democrats winning back the House, which means subpoena power, which means endless investigations. Alexa, order all the popcorn. https://www.vox.com/policy-and-polit...districts-2018 As I was saying yesterday Trump is on a competent person sacking spree. Cohn and Tillerson gone in the last week and now McMaster is next for the chop apparently. Trump's new Chief Economic Advisor is apparently going to be Larry Kudlow. If you google Larry Kudlow always wrong or Larry Kudlow stupidest man alive you'll get a good idea about Kudlow in particular and the triumph of ideology over reality in the GOP in general. It really does look like Trump is firing all the qualified/competent people in his administration and replacing them with an elite team of blithering idiots.
Democrats do it = Redistricting
Republicans do it = Gerrymandering

If Republicans had such a massive advantage in Pennsylvania then why had no Republican Presidential candidate won Pennsylvania since Reagan? If it was SUCH a massive advantage explain all the Democrat Governors. Please do.

"In 2012 Democratic candidates won more votes statewide in PA House elections and Obama won the state. But Republicans won 13 seats and Democrats just won five."
...could be that the Democrat areas were HEAVILY Democrat (like say PHILADELPHIA) and other areas highly contested, but I'm CERTAIN it is just as evil as you describe it because the Democrats are incapable of such evil and surely ONLY Republicans gerrymander.

The Democrat candidate in question ran a Republican campaign: pro-2nd Amendment, anti-Pelosi, reaching across the isle to work with opposition party, not taking PAC money...it's almost like Hillary Clinton ran his campaign herself

Order all that popcorn and blow it out your ass.....VOX?!?!?! You're the very worst kind of partisan the kind who projects that they are middle of the road.

"It really does look like Trump is firing all the qualified/competent people in his administration and replacing them with an elite team of blithering idiots"
Par for the course according to you, I didn't think that you could think any less of who Trump already had in there, but here we are.