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Thread: The Brexit Thread

  1. #871
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: The Brexit Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    I don't think any differently of them than those who voted remain. Some of my own friends and family voted to leave. I have said since the very beginning again and again that you could make a very good case even from the left for leaving.
    Oh really? So you weren't thinking "those dumb old people got flim flammed into voting leave"? I only ask because certain folks with similar political views as yours floated that idea. And oh indeed you COULD make a good case from the left for leaving and Corbyn had done so....for a while ....but he didn't follow through....oh and YOU specifically didn't make that case either. You're a remoaner and here you are remoaning

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Master voted leave but unlike you and Gandalf and rotten Wally he actually lives here and actually voted. You don't live here. You didn't vote, and yet here you are telling me to get out of MY country and go and live in Ireland you racist cunt.
    Master voted leave, Al voted leave, Dia voted leave...shit I'm attempting to think up another Remoaner....Kirkland maybe? Yeah I don't live there and didn't vote, but it doesn't stop me from holding an informed opinion on the matter. You chat shit about American it's funny to remind you "B-b-b-b-but you don't live here" but I don't and can't keep you from voicing your opinion. I wouldn't anyway.

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    You are a fucking simpleton that has been indulged with your odd hipster 'soccer' fetish and your weird airs and graces pretneding to be fucking Delia Smith and WC GRACE but you stink the place out.
    I do, do a lot of "pretneding" I mean GUILTY as charged So you're not angry but I can feel the seething rage in your typos....ok man. I have my hobbies, of them following boxing is one, another is politics, another is art.....I mean stop me when YOU think I've gone too far. I sure as shit don't want to offend you your highness

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    You don't believe in anything.
    Well then that would make it mighty fucking impossible for me to be a "racist, bigot, sexist, islamaphobe, xenophobe" then wouldn't it?

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Certainly not in your own country or culture. You would rape your own countries resources until there was nothing left if it meant you being able to claim your were 'winning'. You would sell out your neighbours, your countrymen, your fellow Saddos, if it meant you could claim some kind of hollow victory.
    Well it's plainly obvious A) You've no idea what I actually believe and/or B ) Your mindset is such that you're projecting all of your hate onto me regardless of how or what I think.....that is just pathetic from you, it's lower than childish. You're in a fevered pitch of rage at me....simmer down, don't hurt yourself.

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    If the Proud boys beat the shit out of someone you would walk on by just like you would open the gates and invite neo-nazis to march down your street if you thought they represented the 'winning' side. You are quite obviously an insignificant irrelevant little boy in the real world, and so you have this obsession with posting here. But you can't even do that properly. You welch on deals , refuse to debate anyone, and demand that people be censored and banned in order to be the only voice in the room.
    That would depend on the circumstances wouldn't it? I mean who are they beating up? Why? I'm not quick to jump into fights because I know what fights are. I'd invite neo-nazis to march down my street? What are you even on about? Are you having a breakdown? Chill out.

    I assume you'd be talking about Kirkland with that welching business. Well you find the part in the Mueller Report where it says "ALL of the emails were hacked by Russia" go find it then and I'll pay out. Only it doesn't come to that conclusion, they ASSUME these things, they push these theories as how it happened....but Guccifer is Romanian and not a Russian asset, Julian Assange has repeatedly said they received nothing from Russia/GRU. Bravo for you for being so brave to keep pushing that bullshit. IF (that's a big if) Russia DID hack all the emails and the FBI/Mueller could actually prove it with evidence it would still be in the news today. They didn't have that, Mueller fizzled out like an old star, and now we're onto the tail end of impeachment which has also failed.

    I don't debate? I've attempted numerous times to hold civil conversation with you, you're incapable of that not I.

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    You asking that i should leave my own country is just an extension of that weak arsed ineffectual feeble failure and your deluded idea that you are capable of 'Supporting Brexit' without having spent 5 seconds in the UK and probably not much more in Europe, is symptomatic of the fantasy internet troll life you have lead instead of sorting your shit out in the real world. Fucking loser.
    Lots of projection there Beanz.....take a chill pill. I'm sorry for whatever is going on in your real life that is causing you to be this upset at me on the internet.

  2. #872
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    Default Re: The Brexit Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Beanz you still alive? Thoughts and prayers my dude. Maybe you can make it to Ireland and there you can Remain all you like.
    What is that supposed to mean? You have never even visited this country and yet her you are telling me exactly who is supposedly welcome here. We are not all intolerant ignorant racists like you. What a cuntish thing to say.
    I was only worried about your wellbeing. Sorry I asked oh salty one
    No you were not. You were just bored with digging the hole in which you and your racist pals are burying the forum and thought you would try and goad me into paying attention to you.

    You just asked me to leave the country in which myself and both my parents were born, and which you have never even visited and you call me salty?

    You think that me believing in retaining the freedom to live, work, travel and learn in 28 countries for myself and my family disqualifies me from living in a country you have done nothing but mock and denigrate for 17 years and you still dont understand what is racist about your opinions?
    Yeah I'm sure I don't give the slightest fuck about your life no matter how much you keep trying to tell me.

    So just the accusation then? "You just ARE" compelling. You're a pathetic crybaby and you loath your own country why else then would you constantly side with her enemies?
    How am I a crybaby? I am not the one posting hundreds of times a day telling everyone what a victim i am. That has always been your forte. It is what you have always done. You are forced to make up the idea that I would loathe my own country because you are such a traitorous bastard to your own. It has nothing to do with reality just your virtue signalling fake patriotism. You have always sided with the deep state and the globalists jut like your freaky president. The guy who who refuses to entertain any trade with the UK if we dare suggest taxing Amazon and Google etc. I am not accusing you of anything I am simply stating a fact. You have made this place a den of vipers. It is what you do. You are the one with a hardon for your white supremacist idols and it is why you can't see any good in other people simply because they have a different opinion to you or because they were born in or live in another country. You are a simpleton. A one trick pony like a very tired and old joke with the same fucking whiny punchline. You are supposed to be an 'artist' and someone who understands the roots of western culture, and yet you didn't get the Goya reference or the relevance of Saturn eating his own son. Like Gandalf the bitter ex-pat and Freedom who thinks he is British despite being Canadian, another old bitter has been fake rootless wannabe Little Englander who thinks Jesus was white, none of you give a fuck about the UK. How arrogant of you to suggest that half of the country should leave because you disagree with them and want to make the whole world as stupid as you infantile prick of a president. You desperate little twat.
    Ha ha beanerbaby still at it. Yelling at miles, insulting kabonger, saying miles has been slagging of England where he doesn’t live while at the same time continuing to slag of the US as he has for the last umpteen years. Why does babybeanz flip out at freedom but doesn’t seem to mind denden. Anyway I couldn’t help it. Welcome back everyone glad you ban is over
    Am I bitter? I am joyous that the UK is going to be free. Beanz sounds angry.

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    Default Re: The Brexit Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Saturn stupidly and selfishly devouring his own children in order to save himself from being attacked did nothing to stop him becoming irrelevant when he got his arse kicked by Zeus. Just like the myopic Boris and Donald destroying their own countries with no inkling of how irrelevant they will become.

    Same here on the forum with you and your hungry brethren eating the forum from the inside out like the parasitic leeches you are, urging on your own irelevance. Look at Wally, used by Gandalf in order to make himself feel popular and relevant while Wally the cunt used Brock and then repeatedly stabbed the poor bloke in the back. Like El Kabong all three of you have constantly slagged off the mods and taken liberties while they put in the leg work. Fucking animals.
    Bloody well. I was using Walrus now? @walrus Is this true? Do you feel used by me?

  4. #874
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    Default Re: The Brexit Thread

    Yes you are a bitter old piss stained ex pat Gandalf. You are all so self obsessed you think you have the power to make people angry You think Denilson is angry , El Kabong thinks Kirkland is angry , Tittyfan thinks everyone is angry, Walrus the shit stirring back stabber thinks anyone who points out what a lame cunt he is is angry. You are a sad bunch of moaning fishwives who never have a break for real life. It is mental. I have been planning and paying for a wedding and am recovering from an injury and am about to go on holiday. I am about as far from angry as it is possible to be, but still you are all convinced anyone not blowing smoke up your arse or being willing to put up with your backstabbing , two faced cuntishness and general racism and bigotry, must be angry. Why? at you lot? Fucking hell you need to get out more.

    None of you are willing to debate anything. You think everyone should be like you, and if they offer a different opinion, outlook or experience, you gang up on them and conspire to have them banned. You are all responsible for the banning of Brock even though Walrus was the enabler. You are censor mad. Look at El Kabong insisting i should go and live in anther country the fucking bigot because he thinks he has some kind of authority to be the thought Police the commie bastard. It is laughable. He would fuck over the entire USA if it meant he thought he won the internet and yet he can't even respect freedom of speech. Even in another country he thinks that someone living there posting a piece of art on an internet forum should have them deported. That is the kind of deranged flesh eating lunacy you are all endorsing every time you refuse to call each other out on your bullshit. You are a bunch of foppish fantasists living in a dream world and you ALL refuse to speak to the forum or anyone but each other.

    And yet now even though you are all in the same cell yelling at the walls you can't see it.

    Wally thinks he hasn't done a thing
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  5. #875
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    Default Re: The Brexit Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Saturn stupidly and selfishly devouring his own children in order to save himself from being attacked did nothing to stop him becoming irrelevant when he got his arse kicked by Zeus. Just like the myopic Boris and Donald destroying their own countries with no inkling of how irrelevant they will become.

    Same here on the forum with you and your hungry brethren eating the forum from the inside out like the parasitic leeches you are, urging on your own irelevance. Look at Wally, used by Gandalf in order to make himself feel popular and relevant while Wally the cunt used Brock and then repeatedly stabbed the poor bloke in the back. Like El Kabong all three of you have constantly slagged off the mods and taken liberties while they put in the leg work. Fucking animals.
    Ha ha ha you have no clue what you are talking about. Ha ha stab in the back, make miles famous, I haven’t talked to anyone about this place I just looked around and saw ur still doing the same bullshit.

    I seriously did lol at that one which I infrequently do unfortunately I don’t think you were trying to be funny. Ha ha make mikes popular and relevant I have that much power by mentioning him.
    You shouldn't even be here. The three of you hardly ever even watch boxing anymore you just come and post to blow smoke up each others arse and stick your middle fingers up to the rest of the forum. You stabbed Brock in the back. It's hardly anything new for you. It's what you have always done.
    Didn't you harass him constantly by berating the things that made him uncomfortable, basically try and get him banned for Googling your town, and even when gone continue to argue why it was good that he was banned? Just saying.

  6. #876
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    Default Re: The Brexit Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Yes you are a bitter old piss stained ex pat Gandalf. You are all so self obsessed you think you have the power to make people angry You think Denilson is angry , El Kabong thinks Kirkland is angry , Tittyfan thinks everyone is angry, Walrus the shit stirring back stabber thinks anyone who points out what a lame cunt he is is angry. You are a sad bunch of moaning fishwives who never have a break for real life. It is mental. I have been planning and paying for a wedding and am recovering from an injury and am about to go on holiday. I am about as far from angry as it is possible to be, but still you are all convinced anyone not blowing smoke up your arse or being willing to put up with your backstabbing , two faced cuntishness and general racism and bigotry, must be angry. Why? at you lot? Fucking hell you need to get out more.

    None of you are willing to debate anything. You think everyone should be like you, and if they offer a different opinion, outlook or experience, you gang up on them and conspire to have them banned. You are all responsible for the banning of Brock even though Walrus was the enabler. You are censor mad. Look at El Kabong insisting i should go and live in anther country the fucking bigot because he thinks he has some kind of authority to be the thought Police the commie bastard. It is laughable. He would fuck over the entire USA if it meant he thought he won the internet and yet he can't even respect freedom of speech. Even in another country he thinks that someone living there posting a piece of art on an internet forum should have them deported. That is the kind of deranged flesh eating lunacy you are all endorsing every time you refuse to call each other out on your bullshit. You are a bunch of foppish fantasists living in a dream world and you ALL refuse to speak to the forum or anyone but each other.

    And yet now even though you are all in the same cell yelling at the walls you can't see it.

    Wally thinks he hasn't done a thing

    I know nobody of any authority here will come out and say it..... but things sure were quiet around here while you were out on vacation or whatever it is you were doing.

    Also.... am I reading right? Are you carrying the torch for "poor old Brock" now? The same Brock you insulted to within an inch of his life, and pleaded with the mods to ban? That Brock??

    Damn. No sooner do you come back than you start throwing around your "non-angry" spittle again.

    Grouping people together..... speaking for others..... making broad declarations......

    You get called out for singling out Freedom, but you don't say shit about Denilson..... and yet it's everyone ELSE who is twisted?

    Shit man. WTF is up with you?

  7. #877
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    Default Re: The Brexit Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Saturn stupidly and selfishly devouring his own children in order to save himself from being attacked did nothing to stop him becoming irrelevant when he got his arse kicked by Zeus. Just like the myopic Boris and Donald destroying their own countries with no inkling of how irrelevant they will become.

    Same here on the forum with you and your hungry brethren eating the forum from the inside out like the parasitic leeches you are, urging on your own irelevance. Look at Wally, used by Gandalf in order to make himself feel popular and relevant while Wally the cunt used Brock and then repeatedly stabbed the poor bloke in the back. Like El Kabong all three of you have constantly slagged off the mods and taken liberties while they put in the leg work. Fucking animals.
    Ha ha ha you have no clue what you are talking about. Ha ha stab in the back, make miles famous, I haven’t talked to anyone about this place I just looked around and saw ur still doing the same bullshit.

    I seriously did lol at that one which I infrequently do unfortunately I don’t think you were trying to be funny. Ha ha make mikes popular and relevant I have that much power by mentioning him.
    You shouldn't even be here. The three of you hardly ever even watch boxing anymore you just come and post to blow smoke up each others arse and stick your middle fingers up to the rest of the forum. You stabbed Brock in the back. It's hardly anything new for you. It's what you have always done.
    Didn't you harass him constantly by berating the things that made him uncomfortable, basically try and get him banned for Googling your town, and even when gone continue to argue why it was good that he was banned? Just saying.
    Look at yourself Doing exactly what i said you would. Walrus got him banned. Walrus literally logged on as him and pretended to be him because like EL Kabong he could not take someone having a different opinion then him. He is an oversensitive little flower full of poison and here you are sticking up for him. You can't wait to give him a blow job even after all the fake campaign to bring Brock back. When it comes down to it like El kabong and Walrus you have no moral fibre and are anyones for a compliment. It is pathetic.

    Would do you want me to say?

    Oh sorry El Kabong I will up and leave my country because I don't have the same opinion as you about something you literally have no first hand experience of ?
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  8. #878
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    Default Re: The Brexit Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Yes you are a bitter old piss stained ex pat Gandalf. You are all so self obsessed you think you have the power to make people angry You think Denilson is angry , El Kabong thinks Kirkland is angry , Tittyfan thinks everyone is angry, Walrus the shit stirring back stabber thinks anyone who points out what a lame cunt he is is angry. You are a sad bunch of moaning fishwives who never have a break for real life. It is mental. I have been planning and paying for a wedding and am recovering from an injury and am about to go on holiday. I am about as far from angry as it is possible to be, but still you are all convinced anyone not blowing smoke up your arse or being willing to put up with your backstabbing , two faced cuntishness and general racism and bigotry, must be angry. Why? at you lot? Fucking hell you need to get out more.

    None of you are willing to debate anything. You think everyone should be like you, and if they offer a different opinion, outlook or experience, you gang up on them and conspire to have them banned. You are all responsible for the banning of Brock even though Walrus was the enabler. You are censor mad. Look at El Kabong insisting i should go and live in anther country the fucking bigot because he thinks he has some kind of authority to be the thought Police the commie bastard. It is laughable. He would fuck over the entire USA if it meant he thought he won the internet and yet he can't even respect freedom of speech. Even in another country he thinks that someone living there posting a piece of art on an internet forum should have them deported. That is the kind of deranged flesh eating lunacy you are all endorsing every time you refuse to call each other out on your bullshit. You are a bunch of foppish fantasists living in a dream world and you ALL refuse to speak to the forum or anyone but each other.

    And yet now even though you are all in the same cell yelling at the walls you can't see it.

    Wally thinks he hasn't done a thing
    You sure do sound emotional with the insults and ranting. Only you sound particularly angry. Denilson just sounds stupid, not angry.

    I am not responsible for the ban of Brock. That was a Mod decision and I was always against it and I did not know his new account was set up by Walrus either. Again, a Mod decision. None of that drama was to do with me. Unfortunate really as I want everything to be about me. Apparently.

    In fact behind the scenes I have lobbied for his reinstatement, but Saddo appears to have gone AWOL and doesn't even answer Mods anymore.

  9. #879
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    Default Re: The Brexit Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Yes you are a bitter old piss stained ex pat Gandalf. You are all so self obsessed you think you have the power to make people angry You think Denilson is angry , El Kabong thinks Kirkland is angry , Tittyfan thinks everyone is angry, Walrus the shit stirring back stabber thinks anyone who points out what a lame cunt he is is angry. You are a sad bunch of moaning fishwives who never have a break for real life. It is mental. I have been planning and paying for a wedding and am recovering from an injury and am about to go on holiday. I am about as far from angry as it is possible to be, but still you are all convinced anyone not blowing smoke up your arse or being willing to put up with your backstabbing , two faced cuntishness and general racism and bigotry, must be angry. Why? at you lot? Fucking hell you need to get out more.

    None of you are willing to debate anything. You think everyone should be like you, and if they offer a different opinion, outlook or experience, you gang up on them and conspire to have them banned. You are all responsible for the banning of Brock even though Walrus was the enabler. You are censor mad. Look at El Kabong insisting i should go and live in anther country the fucking bigot because he thinks he has some kind of authority to be the thought Police the commie bastard. It is laughable. He would fuck over the entire USA if it meant he thought he won the internet and yet he can't even respect freedom of speech. Even in another country he thinks that someone living there posting a piece of art on an internet forum should have them deported. That is the kind of deranged flesh eating lunacy you are all endorsing every time you refuse to call each other out on your bullshit. You are a bunch of foppish fantasists living in a dream world and you ALL refuse to speak to the forum or anyone but each other.

    And yet now even though you are all in the same cell yelling at the walls you can't see it.

    Wally thinks he hasn't done a thing

    I know nobody of any authority here will come out and say it..... but things sure were quiet around here while you were out on vacation or whatever it is you were doing.

    Also.... am I reading right? Are you carrying the torch for "poor old Brock" now? The same Brock you insulted to within an inch of his life, and pleaded with the mods to ban? That Brock??

    Damn. No sooner do you come back than you start throwing around your "non-angry" spittle again.

    Grouping people together..... speaking for others..... making broad declarations......

    You get called out for singling out Freedom, but you don't say shit about Denilson..... and yet it's everyone ELSE who is twisted?

    Shit man. WTF is up with you?
    I haven't posted for weeks and yet you still had to have a dig at me in my absence so don't pretend to be all sweetness and light. You ain't good people. Freedom is a cunt and Denilson for all his flaws is not. He makes you all uncomfortable because you don't like to be challenged. Intellectually, morally, philosophically, is all too much for 'You Guys'.

    Freedom is there claiming black people never invented anything , that their women are ugly, that Jesus was white, etc and not one of you have the full grown bollocks to call him out on it. You are supposed to be men. You are a bunch of wimps.
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  10. #880
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    Default Re: The Brexit Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    I am not responsible for the ban of Brock.

    Miles. Excuse me but.... why the FUCK are you defending yourself to Beanz over the banning of Brock??

    Shit...... this guy's more manipulative than I thought.

    WHO'S been at constant war with Brock since Day One for years and years and years?

    Sure... I didn't like a LOT of things Brock said or how he said them. But my disagreements with Brock PALE in comparison with the bloody wars he and Beanz had.

    So why do you allow yourself to be flipped like a giant pancake over the banning of Brock? Tsk, tsk.........

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    Default Re: The Brexit Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Yes you are a bitter old piss stained ex pat Gandalf. You are all so self obsessed you think you have the power to make people angry You think Denilson is angry , El Kabong thinks Kirkland is angry , Tittyfan thinks everyone is angry, Walrus the shit stirring back stabber thinks anyone who points out what a lame cunt he is is angry. You are a sad bunch of moaning fishwives who never have a break for real life. It is mental. I have been planning and paying for a wedding and am recovering from an injury and am about to go on holiday. I am about as far from angry as it is possible to be, but still you are all convinced anyone not blowing smoke up your arse or being willing to put up with your backstabbing , two faced cuntishness and general racism and bigotry, must be angry. Why? at you lot? Fucking hell you need to get out more.

    None of you are willing to debate anything. You think everyone should be like you, and if they offer a different opinion, outlook or experience, you gang up on them and conspire to have them banned. You are all responsible for the banning of Brock even though Walrus was the enabler. You are censor mad. Look at El Kabong insisting i should go and live in anther country the fucking bigot because he thinks he has some kind of authority to be the thought Police the commie bastard. It is laughable. He would fuck over the entire USA if it meant he thought he won the internet and yet he can't even respect freedom of speech. Even in another country he thinks that someone living there posting a piece of art on an internet forum should have them deported. That is the kind of deranged flesh eating lunacy you are all endorsing every time you refuse to call each other out on your bullshit. You are a bunch of foppish fantasists living in a dream world and you ALL refuse to speak to the forum or anyone but each other.

    And yet now even though you are all in the same cell yelling at the walls you can't see it.

    Wally thinks he hasn't done a thing
    You sure do sound emotional with the insults and ranting. Only you sound particularly angry. Denilson just sounds stupid, not angry.

    I am not responsible for the ban of Brock. That was a Mod decision and I was always against it and I did not know his new account was set up by Walrus either. Again, a Mod decision. None of that drama was to do with me. Unfortunate really as I want everything to be about me. Apparently.

    In fact behind the scenes I have lobbied for his reinstatement, but Saddo appears to have gone AWOL and doesn't even answer Mods anymore.
    Again with the angry bollocks. Grow a pair mate. It is not primary school you are a big boy use the language you whore your living at with some gusto and joy you insipid little fuck Again you are blaming the mods and Saddo and the forum in order to let Wally the cunt off the hook. What kind of friendship is built on that kind of willful blindness? And Denilson is not stupid, he is just not like you. Embrace it and stop running away from it.
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  12. #882
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    Default Re: The Brexit Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    I am not responsible for the ban of Brock.

    Miles. Excuse me but.... why the FUCK are you defending yourself to Beanz over the banning of Brock??

    Shit...... this guy's more manipulative than I thought.

    WHO'S been at constant war with Brock since Day One for years and years and years?

    Sure... I didn't like a LOT of things Brock said or how he said them. But my disagreements with Brock PALE in comparison with the bloody wars he and Beanz had.

    So why do you allow yourself to be flipped like a giant pancake over the banning of Brock? Tsk, tsk.........

    Look at you chastising Gandalf for daring to break ranks. I never got Brock banned first time or second time around. We may not have always seen eye to eye but i have never asked for people to be banned. Your crew love a fresh victim and always have . You are the angriest muthfukka on here and you know it.
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    Default Re: The Brexit Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Yes you are a bitter old piss stained ex pat Gandalf. You are all so self obsessed you think you have the power to make people angry You think Denilson is angry , El Kabong thinks Kirkland is angry , Tittyfan thinks everyone is angry, Walrus the shit stirring back stabber thinks anyone who points out what a lame cunt he is is angry. You are a sad bunch of moaning fishwives who never have a break for real life. It is mental. I have been planning and paying for a wedding and am recovering from an injury and am about to go on holiday. I am about as far from angry as it is possible to be, but still you are all convinced anyone not blowing smoke up your arse or being willing to put up with your backstabbing , two faced cuntishness and general racism and bigotry, must be angry. Why? at you lot? Fucking hell you need to get out more.

    None of you are willing to debate anything. You think everyone should be like you, and if they offer a different opinion, outlook or experience, you gang up on them and conspire to have them banned. You are all responsible for the banning of Brock even though Walrus was the enabler. You are censor mad. Look at El Kabong insisting i should go and live in anther country the fucking bigot because he thinks he has some kind of authority to be the thought Police the commie bastard. It is laughable. He would fuck over the entire USA if it meant he thought he won the internet and yet he can't even respect freedom of speech. Even in another country he thinks that someone living there posting a piece of art on an internet forum should have them deported. That is the kind of deranged flesh eating lunacy you are all endorsing every time you refuse to call each other out on your bullshit. You are a bunch of foppish fantasists living in a dream world and you ALL refuse to speak to the forum or anyone but each other.

    And yet now even though you are all in the same cell yelling at the walls you can't see it.

    Wally thinks he hasn't done a thing

    I know nobody of any authority here will come out and say it..... but things sure were quiet around here while you were out on vacation or whatever it is you were doing.

    Also.... am I reading right? Are you carrying the torch for "poor old Brock" now? The same Brock you insulted to within an inch of his life, and pleaded with the mods to ban? That Brock??

    Damn. No sooner do you come back than you start throwing around your "non-angry" spittle again.

    Grouping people together..... speaking for others..... making broad declarations......

    You get called out for singling out Freedom, but you don't say shit about Denilson..... and yet it's everyone ELSE who is twisted?

    Shit man. WTF is up with you?
    I haven't posted for weeks and yet you still had to have a dig at me in my absence so don't pretend to be all sweetness and light. You ain't good people. Freedom is a cunt and Denilson for all his flaws is not. He makes you all uncomfortable because you don't like to be challenged. Intellectually, morally, philosophically, is all too much for 'You Guys'.

    Freedom is there claiming black people never invented anything , that their women are ugly, that Jesus was white, etc and not one of you have the full grown bollocks to call him out on it. You are supposed to be men. You are a bunch of wimps.

    I had a dig at you AFTER you came in with your broad brushes again and your tired, same ol' same ol'.

    Look. In case you haven't noticed, nobody here likes you. In fact.... you are universally hated here by everyone except for those you shamelessly suck up to.

    You lead an angry life..... and spill your anger on a faceless forum because you know it's the only place you can do so without consequences.

    The fact you defend a basket case like Denilson speaks for itself. In fact, it is a point for "our gang" as you so gleefully like to put it.

    Only difference between our "gang" and yours is........ in ours we don't have to extract people from the asshole of others from the violent ass-kissing that propels you up other people's anuses.

    I may not agree with Freedom, scumwad. But I got no beef with him like I do with you. It is you that brings out the worst in people.

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    Default Re: The Brexit Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Saturn stupidly and selfishly devouring his own children in order to save himself from being attacked did nothing to stop him becoming irrelevant when he got his arse kicked by Zeus. Just like the myopic Boris and Donald destroying their own countries with no inkling of how irrelevant they will become.

    Same here on the forum with you and your hungry brethren eating the forum from the inside out like the parasitic leeches you are, urging on your own irelevance. Look at Wally, used by Gandalf in order to make himself feel popular and relevant while Wally the cunt used Brock and then repeatedly stabbed the poor bloke in the back. Like El Kabong all three of you have constantly slagged off the mods and taken liberties while they put in the leg work. Fucking animals.
    Ha ha ha you have no clue what you are talking about. Ha ha stab in the back, make miles famous, I haven’t talked to anyone about this place I just looked around and saw ur still doing the same bullshit.

    I seriously did lol at that one which I infrequently do unfortunately I don’t think you were trying to be funny. Ha ha make mikes popular and relevant I have that much power by mentioning him.
    You shouldn't even be here. The three of you hardly ever even watch boxing anymore you just come and post to blow smoke up each others arse and stick your middle fingers up to the rest of the forum. You stabbed Brock in the back. It's hardly anything new for you. It's what you have always done.
    Didn't you harass him constantly by berating the things that made him uncomfortable, basically try and get him banned for Googling your town, and even when gone continue to argue why it was good that he was banned? Just saying.
    Look at yourself Doing exactly what i said you would. Walrus got him banned. Walrus literally logged on as him and pretended to be him because like EL Kabong he could not take someone having a different opinion then him. He is an oversensitive little flower full of poison and here you are sticking up for him. You can't wait to give him a blow job even after all the fake campaign to bring Brock back. When it comes down to it like El kabong and Walrus you have no moral fibre and are anyones for a compliment. It is pathetic.

    Would do you want me to say?

    Oh sorry El Kabong I will up and leave my country because I don't have the same opinion as you about something you literally have no first hand experience of ?
    So now you are a Brock fan, Beanz? Talk about two faced....I know you were on PM terms with the new Brock, but you were a dick to him who did the most to cause him harm in the first place. I couldn't believe what you stirred up with that Google nonsense. Then saying you didn't want to go to prison because you would have to beat him up as your wife would be vulnerable. Weird. Then your hate because he made a video about the suburbs. Don't you forget all that. You are weird.

    All I have ever really done is stand up against you when you spew your bile and in this thread you are back at it.

    All this because Lyle casually asked a flippant question? If you love England stay. If you love Europe then go to Europe. Is it so insulting? You ranted on about not being able to work in 28 countries etc, but nobody is stopping you.

    You sound like a bitter remainer stomping his feet because he cannot get what he wants. Are the supermarkets empty yet? Nothing has changed, right?

    Unlike you I have been in contact with the banned parties seeing if they are okay asking 'What was that all about?' too. I have tried to be fair. Blaming me for any bans is ridiculous.

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    Default Re: The Brexit Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    I am not responsible for the ban of Brock.

    Miles. Excuse me but.... why the FUCK are you defending yourself to Beanz over the banning of Brock??

    Shit...... this guy's more manipulative than I thought.

    WHO'S been at constant war with Brock since Day One for years and years and years?

    Sure... I didn't like a LOT of things Brock said or how he said them. But my disagreements with Brock PALE in comparison with the bloody wars he and Beanz had.

    So why do you allow yourself to be flipped like a giant pancake over the banning of Brock? Tsk, tsk.........

    Look at you chastising Gandalf for daring to break ranks. I never got Brock banned first time or second time around. We may not have always seen eye to eye but i have never asked for people to be banned. Your crew love a fresh victim and always have . You are the angriest muthfukka on here and you know it.

    "Seen eye to eye??" Wow.

    Sure dude. Just like hyenas and vultures don't see eye to eye over the fresh carcass before them.

    Everything explodes here when you come back in from your vacations or wherever the fuck you are while gracing us with your absence.

    The mods here don't have the balls to call it like it is...... but you're the biggest shit-stirrer the Universe has ever known.

    By now you must see that the whole forum (save the ones you deep-throat) despises you and wishes you'd fuck off for good.

    You may be able to railroad younger guys like Miles and Walrus....... but with me you constantly bark up the wrong tree.

    All you ever accomplish is getting slammed and humiliated for your trouble.

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